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Guys, how far, how high can you piss?

Ever experimented with how far or how high you can piss? Where have you done it?
Tell us who you are?
A woman, please don't vote.
A boy under 16
A young man 16 - 24
A man 25 - 35
A man 36 - 59
A man over 60
Ever experimented with how far or high you could pee?
Yes, as a boy I have
Yes, as a man I have
Yes whenever I get a chance
What was the furthest you've ever been able to pee on a flat surface?
Never tried
Less than 3 feet (1 meter)
3 feet (1 meter) to 6 feet (2 meters)
6 feet (2 meters) to 9 feet (3 meters)
9 feet (3 meters) to 12 feet (3.5 meters)
12 feet (3.5 meters) to 15 feet (4.5 meters)
15 feet (3.5 meters) to 20 feet (5.5 meters)
20 feet (5.5 meters) to 24 feet (7 meters)
More than 24 feet (7 meters)
What was the highest arc you've ever made?
Never tried
Less than 3 feet (1 meter) off the ground
3 foot (1 meter) off the ground
4 1/2 foot (1.5 meter) off the ground
6 foot (2 meters) off the ground
7 1/2 foot (2.5 meters) off the ground
9 foot (3 meters) off the ground
Ovet 9 foot (3 meters) off the ground
At what age where you when you had the strongest stream?
Under 16
16 to 24
25 - 35
over 35
At what age did you notice you stream getting weaker?
It hasn't peaked in strength
Under 35
35 -40
41 45
46 -50
51 -55
56 - 60
Over 60 and still strong
In which of these places have you experimented with doing this?
Outdoors, in the country
Outdoors, in the back yard
Outdoors, in an alley or street
Outdoors, against a wall or fence
Outdoors, into a lake or river
Indoors, in shower rooms
Indoors, locker room
Indoors, garage
Has anyone else ever been around when you did so?
Never done so
Never did so with anyone around
Other guys have been around
Women have been around too
I've had a contest with another guy
Ever tried to pee over something?
Yes, a fence
Yes, a car
Yes, a toilet partition or shower wall
Leave a story about something you've seen or done.
This poll was created on 2012-12-23 06:03:24 by what to do