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Prevent future assaults

prevent sexual assault

Are you a male or female ?

63% (21) male
36% (12) female

33 voters have answered this question.

What is you age group ?

33% (11) 16-20
9% (3) 21-25
0% (0) 26-30
18% (6) 30-40
12% (4) 40-50
27% (9) 50 +

33 voters have answered this question.

If there was a test that could predict if a male could potentially commit a rape or sexual assault & you could prevent it, and it were up to you, would you want him to be tested ?

78% (26) Yes, regardless of his consent
15% (5) Yes, but only with his consent
6% (2) No

33 voters have answered this question.

What should the test results be used for ?

75% (25) Employment
78% (26) Education
81% (27) Medical review
78% (26) Public safety
75% (25) Criminal trial

33 voters have answered this question.

If you answered Employment, what type of job ?

30% (10) Teacher
39% (13) Law Enforcement
45% (15) Any job where the male would be around females
45% (15) All jobs, just part of any employment application

33 voters have answered this question.

If you answered Education, what type of education ?

27% (9) Any teacher credentialing program
45% (15) Any law enforcement education
75% (25) All school applications should include this screening to protect camps females

33 voters have answered this question.

If you answered Medical review or Public Safety, do you agree that the test should be performed as a routine medical exam ?

84% (28) Yes
15% (5) No

33 voters have answered this question.

If you answered Criminal trail, what type (s) of cases should use the test ?

36% (12) Only sexual assault or rape cases
36% (12) Any case that involves a female victim, even if the crime only involves property
63% (21) In any case that involves a female - victim, lawyer, juror, or judge

33 voters have answered this question.

Have you heard of plethysmograph testing, which involves showing potentially arousing images and sounds to a male, who is completely naked and has a device attached to his penis to determine his level of arousal ?

63% (21) Yes
36% (12) No

33 voters have answered this question.

While the reliability of the plethysmograph is in dispute, would you want to have males tested for the purposes above ?

75% (25) Yes
24% (8) No

33 voters have answered this question.

Currently plethysmograph is only used to treat convicted sex offenders, would you be in favor of using the device to actually prevent sexual assaults, even though that would mean using it on people who have not been convicted ?

75% (25) Yes
24% (8) No

33 voters have answered this question.

The plethysmograph test is completely harmless, however it can be mildly embarrassing, because the male is nude and his erections are recorded. Would the males mild temporary embarrassment dissuade you from recommending it be used, considering that all medical exams and physicals required the same level of nudity ?

42% (14) Yes
57% (19) No

33 voters have answered this question.

If the test is used for employment, who should be allowed to be present in the room during the testing ? (Select all that apply)

30% (10) Technician - male
66% (22) Technician - regardless of gender
18% (6) Clerical support - male
57% (19) Clerical support - regardless of gender
18% (6) Human resources officer - male
57% (19) Human resources officer - regardless of gender
21% (7) Male subject applicant's supervisor - male
60% (20) Male subject applicant's supervisor - regardless of gender

33 voters have answered this question.

Should the test be recorded and made part of the employment file, which could be reviewed by anyone in the company or future employers ?

12% (4) Yes - Only if the employee is hired
66% (22) Yes - Regardless of whether he is hired
21% (7) No

33 voters have answered this question.

If the test is used for education (i.e. applying for college) who should be present in the room during testing ?

30% (10) Technician - male
66% (22) Technician - regardless of gender
18% (6) Clerical support - male
57% (19) Clerical support - regardless of gender
21% (7) School administrator - male
63% (21) School administrator - regardless of gender

33 voters have answered this question.

Should the test be recorded and made part of the education file, which could be reviewed by anyone in the school or future employers ?

69% (23) Yes
30% (10) No

33 voters have answered this question.

If the test is used for criminal trail, who should be allowed to be present in the room during testing ?

27% (9) Technician - male
72% (24) Technician - regardless of gender
12% (4) Lawyers - male
72% (24) Lawyers - regardless of gender
9% (3) Jurors - male
69% (23) Jurors - regardless of gender
12% (4) Judge - male
69% (23) Judge - regardless of gender

33 voters have answered this question.

Should the test be recorded and made part of the court file, which could be reviewed by anyone in the public ?

72% (24) Yes
27% (9) No

33 voters have answered this question.

If the male fails the test, in the opinion of the evaluator, should he be labeled a potential predator and be required to attend therapy ?

69% (23) Yes
30% (10) No

33 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2012-12-29 05:17:14 by asdfsadf
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