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Your barefoot experiences

Your experiences with going barefoot.Didn't you read the title?
How old are you
I was years old when I first went out barefoot
Why did you go outside barefoot?
I had to take them off for something
My friend(s) convinced me
Parents rule
I was curious about how it felt
I was in a rush and didn't have time to put shoes on
School punishment
I went swimming and the pool was outside
I can't remember
I just wanted tougher feet
I was tricked into losing my shoes
Parents punishment
Outdoor PE is done in bare feet
A lot of people claimed it feels good
I never went outside barefoot
How did it feel
It was good
It was awfully painful
It hurt slightly
I hated it!
I don't remember
It was uncomfortable
I loved it!
Eh, it was in the middle
Have you ever went to school barefoot? If so, how did other people react(most of them anyway)
They gave me weird/dirty looks
Some of them took off their shoes too
They tried to step on my feet
They made fun of me
They stared/looked at my feet
They asked where my shoes were
I never went to school barefoot
They asked why I wasn't wearing shoes
Why did you go to school barefoot?
Parents punishment
I wondered how people would react
My friends pressured me to
Parents rule
School punishment
I never went to school barefoot
I wanted to see how it would feel
How old were you when you first went to school barefoot?
Have you ever been barefoot in school by accident or mistake? If so,why?
I was changing after PE class when I realized I was going to be late for the next class, so I had to take my shoes with me without putting them on
I was changing after PE class when I realized I was going to be late for the next class, so I left without my shoes and left them in the locker room
I was going to be late for a class, but I was wearing flip-flops/sandals and had to take them off and run to class barefoot, where I put them back on
I was going to be late for a class, but I was wearing flip-flops/sandals so I took/kicked them off and left them in the hall, and spent the rest of the day shoeless
In one class I was playing with my sandals/flip-flops with my feet, but the bell rang and somehow I managed to forget my shoes and leave barefoot
In class I had to have bare feet for something, but the bell rang and I forgot to put my shoes back on before I left
Someone tricked my into losing my shoes
As punishment, a teach took my shoes/socks and made me go barefoot
I have/had a habit of slipping off my shoes during class, but one time the bell rang and I forgot to replace my shoes
I have/had a habit of slipping off my shoes during class, but one time the bell rang and I ended up carrying my shoes to the next class
Never went barefoot in school by accident
What did the floor of the school halls feel like under your bare feet?
What's the longest time you ever been without shoes? Please be honest
A few minutes
A few hours
One day
A few days
A week
A few weeks
A month
A few months
A full year
I don't remember
Have you ever gone camping barefoot?(I mean spent pretty much the entire time barefoot)
What kind of outdoor stuff have you done barefoot?(once again, be honest)
Going to a park
What is the most painful thing you ever stepped on when going barefoot outside?
What is the most painful surface you ever walked on barefoot?
What is the most comfortable surface you ever walked on barefoot?
If you want to explain any of your barefoot experiences, do so
This poll was created on 2012-12-30 01:05:28 by the unknown