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I want recent smart phone owners to take this survey to help me to determine what people are looking for when buying a new phone.
How much is your cell phone bill?
A $35-$50
B $51-$85
C $86-$100
D $100 or more
How do you use your smart phone daily? Choose all that may apply.
A Business Only
B Personal Use (Talk and Text)
C Apps and Features
D Music and Entertainment
What is your gender?
A Male
B Female
C I prefer not to answer
What is your age range?
A 18-21
B 22-25
C 26-30
D 31-40
E 41-older
What type of smart phone do you own?
A iPhone
B Andriod
C Blackberry
D Microsoft Windows 7
E Other
What is the most important factor to you in choosing a particular smartphone?
A Platform
B Features
C App Selection
D Easy data migration
E Price
F Cellular Carrier offers it
If you have an iPhone now which version do you have?
A iPhone (original)
B iPhone 3/3S
C iPhone 4/4S
D iPhone 5
E I do not have an iPhone
If you have an Andriod phone now, what do you want to buy as your next phone?
A Another Andriod
B iPhone
C Blackberry
D Microsoft Windows 7
E Other
F I do not have an Android
What might make you buy an Andriod over an iPhone?
A Offers a cheaper phone that does pretty much everything the iPhone does
B Offers a phone that does everything an iPhone does
C Offers a phone that is BETTER than the iPhone in most key ways
D Nothing.
E My carrier does not offer an iPhone
Based on your experience with your smartphones, what do you most expect to be improved among the following list? Check all that may apply.
A I want my phone to become thinner
B I want my phone to become lighter
C I want my phone's display quality to be enhanced
D I want my phone to become more durable(unbreakable)
E I want my phone to have a more unique design/formfactor
F I want my phone to have an extended battery life
G I want my phone to have an extended memory
H I want my phone to operate on a faster speed
I I want my phone to have an enhanced camera feature
This poll was created on 2013-02-02 16:38:20 by rjeter1233