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Boys, have you ever had to wear a tennis skirt?

Hi, have any boys ever had to wear a skirt to play tennis? I did when I was playing my big sister and three girl cousins and it was one long blush!
What age are you?
Did you think your tennis skirt was too short?
Yes, WAY too short, I don't know how girls wear them without blushing!
I didn't mind it
I liked wearing it!
What underwear did you wear under it?
White tennis knickers for girls with frills
Boys' pants, but white ones that matched the skirt
Boys' pants, not white ones
Who were you playing?
Girl (s)
Boy (s) with skirt on too
Boy (s) no skirt
Were you embarrassed about showing your underwear...
When serving and my skirt flew up at the back to show my bottom!
When crouching to recieve a serve?
When running and it flipped around?
When bending over to pick up a ball?
When sitting down between games?
Actually, I was embarrassed about this all the time!
I wasn't embarrassed
Did you win or lose?
Do you think the skirt had anything to do with it?
I think I lost because I was embarrassed about the skirt and too busy trying to keep my underwear hidden to play well!
I actually think the skirt helped me win, if so why?
I don't think the skirt made a difference
If you lost, were you more embarrassed to have lost because you had a skirt on?
Yes, any boy's embarrassed when he loses at tennis especially if it's to a girl, but I blushed about it even more because I was wearing a tennis skirt
I was embarrassed to have lost but the skirt didn't make a difference
I didn't lose!
Hi, thanks for filling in my poll, if you've got anything else to say you can write it here or in the messages, thanks!
This poll was created on 2013-02-09 08:48:40 by NickyShorts