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What do you know about Wicca?

Here are some things about Wicca that you may or may not know.

Your gender?

81% (30) Male
18% (7) Female

37 voters have answered this question.


32% (12) Teens
13% (5) twenties
13% (5) thirties
16% (6) fourties
16% (6) fifties
5% (2) sixties
2% (1) seventy plus

37 voters have answered this question.

Did you know that Wiccans are NOT Satanists?

91% (34) Yes
8% (3) No

37 voters have answered this question.

Did you know that Satanists are NOT Wiccan?

94% (35) Yes
5% (2) No

37 voters have answered this question.

Ddi you know that Wiccans do not recognise the existance of the Judeo/Christin/Islamic concept of Shatian(the orginal name of Satan)? A personification of evil.

83% (31) Yes
16% (6) No

37 voters have answered this question.

Ddi you know that Wiccans believe in and worship a Goddess as well as a God?

89% (33) Yes
10% (4) No

37 voters have answered this question.

Ddi you know that many Wiccans consider the Goddess and God to be the same beings regardless of the names used, such as Freya, Brede, Bast, Shakie, Isis, Hera, Dianna, Zues, Odin, Jahovia, Yawee, Alla, Cerennos, etc.

64% (24) Yes
35% (13) No

37 voters have answered this question.

Did you know that Wiccans reverence the elements, Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Spirit. Coniciding with Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter and the whole circle of the year?

86% (32) Yes
13% (5) No

37 voters have answered this question.

Did you know that the Wiccan Goddess goes through a processtion from Maiden to Mother to Crone?

67% (25) Yes
32% (12) No

37 voters have answered this question.

Did you know that to many Wiccans the God is born to the Goddess at Yule(the Winter Solstice), becomes Her lover at Ostara(Spring equinox) when She concieves, dies at Samhain(Sow-een)[Halloween] and is reborn at Yule.

59% (22) Yes
40% (15) No

37 voters have answered this question.

Did you know that the first Council of Nicene, where the Christian Nicene Creed was written, moved the celebration of the birth of Jesus to Decemeber 25th from the end of March(when He was REALLY born) in order to snag converts who worshipped the birth of a God at that time of year anyway?

64% (24) Yes
35% (13) No

37 voters have answered this question.

Did you know that Wicca was organized by Gardener and Crowley in the 50s and is based on the older Witchcaft practiced in pre-Christian times?

62% (23) Yes
37% (14) No

37 voters have answered this question.

What is the following: Bide the Wiccan Law ye must, in perfect love, in perfect trust. Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill: And ye harm none, do what ye will. Lest in thy self-defence it be, ever mind the Rule of Three. Follow this with mind and heart, And Merry Ye Meet and Merry Ye Part.

27% (10) I have no idea
72% (27) The Wiccan Rede
0% (0) The Lord's Prayer
0% (0) A spell

37 voters have answered this question.

The Rule of Three states that whatever you do. good or ill. Physically, phsyicly or magically will retrun to you three times.

86% (32) True
13% (5) False

37 voters have answered this question.

Did you know that there are still Christian fanatics out there, who while supposedly following a man who taught love and tolerance, would still love to burn Wiccans and other Pagans and non-Christians at the stake.

72% (27) Yes
27% (10) No

37 voters have answered this question.

Are you Wiccan?

40% (15) Yes
59% (22) No

37 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2013-02-21 17:09:04 by Halloween 1
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