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Should I let my girls stay up later than their current bedtime?

I have two daughters, aged 12 and 16. I think we have a healthy routine but some people say it's too early! Do you agree or disagree?
Jenna is 12 and goes to bed at 7:30 PM. What do you think her bedtime should be?
7:00 PM
7:30 PM (Current bedtime)
8:00 PM
8:30 PM
9:00 PM or later
Carrie is 16 but we send her to bed at 7PM. She has to get up an hour earlier than Jenna. What do you think her bedtime should be?
7:00 PM (Current bedtime)
7:30 PM
8:00 PM
8:30 PM
9:00 PM or later
We usually don't let them stay up later on weekends unless there's a special event. Do you think they should be allowed to stay up later on weekends?
In the summer, we stick to this routine. Do you think they should be allowed to stay up later over the summer?
This poll was created on 2013-02-23 02:28:49 by Laura R