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Skirt vs pants. Would you rather...

A friend and I were trying to decide what to wear to an event. We did not know what was expected. So she asked me this question. To me, the answer seemed obvious, but she disagreed. When I asked others in person, I got different answers from different people.

Girls: Would you rather be the only girl wearing a skirt at an event where all the other girls are in pants or would you rather be the only girl wearing pants when everyone else is in skirts?

84% (84) Skirt when all others are in pants.
7% (7) Pants when all others are in skirts.
9% (9) Makes absolutely no difference to me.

100 voters have answered this question.

Guys: Would you rather be on a date with a girl wearing a skirt at an event where all the other girls are in pants or vice versa?

84% (74) Skirt when all others are in pants.
7% (7) Pants when all others are in skirts.
7% (7) Makes absolutely no difference to me.

88 voters have answered this question.

Please leave a message if you get a chance. Thanks.

0 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2013-03-01 01:28:38 by edenhallgirl
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