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Vote UMVC3 update or mvc4

Vote for your favorite or acceptable characters here

Choose which characters you like or wouldn't mind seeing in mvc4?

60% (64) Gambit marvel
18% (20) Charlie Street Fighter
41% (44) Cable marvel
28% (30) Hayato mvc2
11% (12) Daigo Kazama rival schools
27% (29) Bastu Rival Schools
19% (21) Sinister marvel
12% (13) Kyosuke rival schools
8% (9) Kyoko rival schools
6% (7) eiji rival schools
17% (19) Donovan darkstalkers
27% (29) Jon Talbain Darkstalkers
34% (37) Demitri darkstalkers
26% (28) Jedah darkstalkers
43% (46) Psylocke marvel
63% (67) Megaman x
25% (27) Sigma megaman x
23% (25) Miss Marvel marvel
52% (56) Cyclops marvel
16% (17) Ruby Heart Marvel
35% (38) Thanos marvel
4% (5) Miss america marvel
42% (45) Anti Venom (Eddie Brock) marvel
21% (23) Ultron marvel
4% (5) Nico Minoru marvel
15% (16) Luke cage marvel
31% (33) Loki marvel
29% (31) Rogue marvel
9% (10) Xman (instead of wheelchair professor x)
22% (24) Moon Knight marvel
9% (10) Galacta marvel
2% (3) Selene Gallio marvel
4% (5) Skaar marvel
37% (40) Mbison street fighter
8% (9) Kyle Travers final fight (since cody and guy wouldn't be the best choices)
55% (59) captain commando mvc2
45% (48) Jin mvc2

106 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2013-03-12 20:25:59 by Charlie vote for Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 dlc
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