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Nipple cripples!

Looking for the old results?
I wanna know what pain guys have gone through due to other guys.

Have you ever had a 'nipple cripple', 'tit-nip' or 'nipple pinch'?

96% (152) Yes
5% (8) No

158 voters have answered this question.

Did this involve

46% (73) Someone pulling your nipple
52% (83) Someone twisting your nipple
54% (86) Someone putting a clamp/clothespin on your nipple
65% (103) Someone pulling and twisting your nipple

158 voters have answered this question.

Did the guy

24% (38) Make it quick and retract his grip fast
57% (89) Hold on to your nipple
73% (114) Get both your nipples at once

155 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2004-06-03 11:04:41 by up4alaff
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