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Kissing frequency in your life (unmarried adults)

So, unmarried adult, when was the last time you kissed another adult of the opposite sex? Kissing in this poll refers to sexual kissing (snogging, making out, frenching, call it what you will).
I personally have not done that for quite a long time, and I am trying to find out how often unmarried adults kiss, and if there are others who sometimes go years without kissing another adult.
This poll is for heterosexual people only. Remember that no-one can identify you or even which country you live in, when you answer this poll.
1. Are you over 18 years of age?
No (please don't take this poll)
2. Are you currently married?
Yes (please don't take this poll)
3. So, unmarried adult, when was the last time you sexually kissed another adult of the opposite sex? To define it, I would suggest a sexual-type kiss must be prolonged (at least 30 seconds long) and intended to express sexual feelings for your kissing partner. If you can't remember exactly when it was, give your best guess.
I have done it today!
Not today, but I did it yesterday
Within the last three days
Within the last week
Within the last month
2-3 months ago
4-6 months ago
6 months-1 year ago
1-2 years ago
2-5 years ago
5-10 years ago
More than 10 years ago
I am 18-21 years old, and have never kissed anyone like that
I am 22-25 years old, and have never kissed anyone like that
I am 26-30 years old, and have never kissed anyone like that
I am over 30 years old, and have never kissed anyone like that
4. Unmarried adults sometimes going many years without kissing another, I would say is:
Very common
Fairly common
Not too common, but not that uncommon
Somewhat uncommon
Very uncommon
I don't know
5. Would you like to kiss more often than you actually do?
Yes, and it makes me feel very lonely
Yes, but I can handle it OK
No, I don't kiss that often, but that situation suits me
No, I have a kissing partner and we kiss all the time!
Other answer
6. How many different people have you sexually kissed in your life? If you have no idea, or have lost count, give your best guess.
None at all
Over 100
I refuse to say!
This poll was created on 2013-05-01 19:03:12 by Predator