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Have you ever lost a single shoe? (Ladies only)

I’m a woman who’s found herself stranded with only 1 shoe countless times and have wondered if this is more common than I think. This poll is a way for you to share your experiences and to perhaps convince me that I’m not alone. ONLY take this poll if you wore hosiery and continued with 1 shoe on.
1. What color was your shoe?
2. What type of shoe did you lose?
Ankle boot
Knee-hi boot
3. What color was your hosiery?
4. What hosiery were you wearing?
On which foot did you lose your shoe?
Left foot
Right foot
6. What was the weather like?
Weather was wet
Weather was cold
Weather was moderate
Weather was hot
7. Where did you lose your shoe?
Lost it at school
Lost it on the street
Lost it on a balcony
Lost it at a train station
Lost it inside a nightclub/bar
8. How did you lose your shoe?
Someone stepped on it
I was hurried out of it
It flew off my foot
I was shoeplaying and lost it
9. How did you react when your shoe came off?
I went oh sh*t!
I was embarrassed
I got aroused
I laughed
Neutral-I had bigger things to worry about
10. Where did your shoe end up?
Ended up falling one or more stories down
Ended up being run over by a car
Ended up falling on the train tracks
Ended up in a body of water
Ended up in a prohibited area
11. Why did you not retrieve your shoe?
Because I was in a hurry
Because I was too embarrassed
Because it was ruined
Because it was out of reach
I didn’t know where it was
12. Where were you going before losing your shoe?
I was going to school
I was on my way to work
I was going shopping
I was heading home
I was already at my destination
13. What did you do after you lost your shoe?
I continued on wearing just 1shoe
I went home immediately
I went to someone I know
I went to buy a pair of shoes
14. How did you walk wearing the 1 shoe?
I walked on my tiptoes
I walked flat footed
I walked both ways
15. Why did you decide to walk this way?
To keep my nylon from ruining
To disguise the fact I’m wearing 1 shoe
To keep my balance
To ease the strain on my foot
16. How long did your predicament last?
It lasted under 1 hour
It lasted up to 3 hours
It lasted up to 5 hours
It lasted up to 7 hours
It lasted up to 9 hours
This lasted longer than 9 hours
17. In the end what was the condition of your hosiery?
Nylon was just a bit wet
Nylon was soaked
Nylon was just a bit dirty
Nylon was rather dirty
Nylon was clean
18. How damaged was your hosiery?
It had 1 hole in it
It had 2 or more holes in it
It had 1 run
It had 2 or more runs in it
It had both holes and runs
It had no holes or runs
19. Would you wear it again?
Yes, I would wear it again
No, I wouldn’t wear it again
20. Overall, how did you feel?
Overall, it was awful- people were staring
Overall, I secretly enjoyed my vulnerability
Neutral-I didn’t care what anybody thought
21. Did this incident seethe in your mind?
Yes- I was rather self-conscious
No- this can happen to anyone
22. How old were you when this happened?
Under 12
23. What is your natural hair color? Apparently there is a myth about this but not proven.
24. Would you be willing to visit the message forum to explain about your predicament?
Yes- I would
No-thank you for your time
This poll was created on 2013-05-06 02:54:46 by dng404