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A poll on misterpoll cencorship? Should my polls be public material?

Almost all my polls are banned from Public directories because misterpoll have declared them unsuitable for children even though many of them have questions aimed at under 18s because I value a child's opinion. I understand the reasons for censorship but I also believe adults make too many decisions on what's best for their kids when the kids could really decide for themselves and if I had been the parent I would have made the same decision as the child. I see both sides of the argument. My polls do contain a lot of adult material but I want a child's opinion on it.
What is your age?
Under 18.
Should kids be allowed to read any material they like in the safety of their own home?
Under 18s. Yes if we don't like it we wont read it.
Under 18s. No. If something is rated 18 or listed as 'Adult' I know it is for good reason so I do not view it.
18+ adults. Yes kids should be able to decide what they read in the safety of their own home.
18+ adults. No. If something is rated 18 or listed as 'Adult' It is for good reason. Children should not view X rated material.
What is your opinion on my polls. For those of you who have not taken them many are on the subject of spanking.
Under 18s. They are excellent. I see nothing wrong with kids taking them.
Under 18. Your polls are too long I cannot be bothered taking them.
Under 18. Polls on spanking? I have not taken them but that subject interests me. I might decide to take them.
Under 18s. Polls on spanking? I do not think I would want to take them anyway. Misterpoll are right to block them.
Over 18s. They are excellent. I see nothing wrong with kids taking them.
Over 18s. Your polls are excellent but some contain material unsuitable for kids. Misterpoll were right to not let them into the directories.
Over 18s. Polls on spanking? I have not taken them but that subject interests me but I would want to check them myself for adult material before I let my kids take them.
Over 18. Your spanking polls are of no interest to me but I believe kids should be free to take them if they wish to.
Over 18s. Your polls are nothing but Pornography! No child should be reading material like that. None of your polls should be in any public directory.
Banning Adult material from public directories means people have to search for specific links to them to find them so it stops pornographic material from showing up in normal searches.
Under 18s. Misterpoll have got the balance right. They do not ban kids from taking polls. I can still take any poll I want if I can find the right link.
Under 18. Misterpoll should not make it harder to find the type of poll you are after. You have to constantly search message boards and unlike Dazo most people do not write out in their post what their poll is about so you still do not know if the poll link you have found is the type of poll you are looking for. A much better way would be to simply put an 18 rating on the poll just so you know what to expect instead of charging people for rewriting their poll for re-launch or having to specifically put them in the ADULT directory.
Over 18s. Misterpoll have got the balance right. Anyone can still take any poll they like if they can find the right link.
Over 18. Misterpoll should not make it harder to find the type of poll you are after. You have to constantly search message boards and unlike you Dazo most people do not write out in their post what their poll is about so you still do not know if the poll link you have found is the type of poll you are looking for. A much better way would be to simply put an 18 rating on the poll instead of charging people for rewriting their poll for re-launch or having to specifically put them in the ADULT directory.
This poll was created on 2013-06-14 02:33:11 by Dazo