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Survey for guys..ever get a bucket of water poured on you?

This survey is only for guys.

GUYS: What is your age range?

7% (3) Younger than 13 years old.
52% (20) 13-17
7% (3) 18-19
10% (4) 20's
7% (3) 30's
7% (3) 40's
0% (0) 50's
5% (2) Older

38 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever had a bucket of water poured on you from behind?

94% (36) Yes. (Continue with survey)
5% (2) No. (Submit this last answer then leave.)

38 voters have answered this question.

How many times on different occasions have you had a bucket of water poured on you?

11% (4) Once
11% (4) Twice
8% (3) Three times
2% (1) Four times
64% (22) Five or more times.

34 voters have answered this question.

Which statement bests describes your getting poured on by a bucket of water?

11% (4) Evertime I got poured on by a bucket of water, only my shirt got soaking wet.
44% (16) Evertime I got poured on by a bucket of water, I got completely wet. Not one part of me was dry.
44% (16) There were times I only got half wet, and other times I got completely wet.

36 voters have answered this question.

Why did you get a bucket of water poured on you? Check all that applies.

27% (10) Sporting event
63% (23) Prank
50% (18) Birthday prank
88% (32) Just to have fun.
38% (14) Other.

36 voters have answered this question.

Out of all the times you got a bucket of water poured on you, did anything follow you getting poured with water? Check all that applies.

60% (9) Someone kicked me in the nuts
13% (2) Someone hit me with a baseball bat in the nuts.
73% (11) Someone threw something (food, dirt, sand, etc.) on me that could stick to me.
60% (9) Someone then squerted me with mustard, ketchep, or something else similar.

15 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2013-06-18 21:34:39 by Dude Guy
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