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Do you believe in arranged marriage?

Arranged marriage is not forced marriage, but rather the concept of families working together as a team to determine their marriage decisions as opposed to believing that young, inexperienced people should not use the assistance of their more experienced elders and should make decisions completely on their own. Please state your opinion.

How do you feel regarding arranged marriage?

27% (14) Against under all circumstances; individuals should make decisions on their own, even if young and of limited knowledge, and should never consult with their family
27% (14) For it under some circumstances or to some degree; individuals should ask for second opinions from their families regarding marriage decisions
45% (23) For it; families should exercise teamwork, be very careful about who marries into their families, review the consequences, and educate themselves thoroughly before making serious decisions

51 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2013-07-20 07:21:26 by Anonymous21
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