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Spirited away

This is a poll about Spirited Away. If you haven't watched it, then here is a link to a short video of it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QORyMLG9CyA (Copy this link into your url)

What is your age?

18% (5) 13-16
51% (14) 17-20
18% (5) 21-24
11% (3) 25+

27 voters have answered this question.

What's your gender?

51% (14) Male
48% (13) Female

27 voters have answered this question.

What's your Nationality?

No graph available for this question

27 voters have answered this question.

Do you buy any anime CD's or DVD's.

48% (13) Yes
51% (14) No

27 voters have answered this question.

Do you read online/buy any manga?

85% (23) Yes
14% (4) No

27 voters have answered this question.

What genre of anime do you like?

66% (18) Action
59% (16) Adventure
62% (17) Romance
33% (9) Mystery
33% (9) Horror
62% (17) Comedy
11% (3) Mecha
33% (9) Drama
51% (14) Fantasy
33% (9) Science fiction
11% (3) Western
29% (8) Slice of life
3% (1) Kemono
37% (10) Adult
7% (2) Sports
29% (8) Super powers

27 voters have answered this question.

Where do you watch your anime films?

81% (22) Internet
22% (6) TV
7% (2) Cinema
25% (7) DVD

27 voters have answered this question.

Have you seen Spirited Away?

85% (23) Yes
14% (4) No

27 voters have answered this question.

Do you believe in spirits/ghosts?

44% (12) Yes
55% (15) No

27 voters have answered this question.

What do you think of Spirited away (Only if you seen it).

No graph available for this question

22 voters have answered this question.

How you watched any other films made by Hayao Miyazaki?

44% (12) Castle in the sky
48% (13) My neighbor totoro
62% (17) Howl's mowing castle
14% (4) Porco rosso
11% (3) From up on poppy hill
48% (13) Ponyo
44% (12) Kiki's delivery service
29% (8) Arrietty
33% (9) Others

27 voters have answered this question.

If you chose other, please specify

No graph available for this question

9 voters have answered this question.

Would you recommend Spirited away to others?

85% (23) Yes
14% (4) No

27 voters have answered this question.

How would you rate the story of Spirited away (1-5)

44% (12) 5 (Excellent)
29% (8) 4 (Very Good)
22% (6) 3 (Good)
0% (0) 2 (Bad)
3% (1) 1 (Very Bad)

27 voters have answered this question.

How would you rate the animation of Spirited away (1-5)

51% (14) 5 (Excellent)
33% (9) 4 (Very Good)
11% (3) 3 (Good)
0% (0) 2 (Bad)
3% (1) 1 (Very Bad)

27 voters have answered this question.

What do you of think the characters personalities from Spirited Away?

55% (15) 5 (Excellent)
18% (5) 4 (Very Good)
18% (5) 3 (Good)
3% (1) 2 (Bad)
3% (1) 1 (Very Bad)

27 voters have answered this question.

What is your overall opinion on Spirited Away?

No graph available for this question

27 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2013-09-11 09:16:31 by Sakura_0003
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