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barefoot running with friends

I recently started running barefoot. When I run with friends, they quite often choose gravel roads though (or maybe even because) they know that this is very harsh on my feet. What do you think about that?

What do you think about the behaviour of my friends?

48% (390) It's mean. Knowing that you are barefoot, they should choose a place that doesn't hurt your soles.
51% (420) They are doing the right thing. Barefoot runners should be reminded that their feet are unprotected, so it's normal to make them feel pain.

810 voters have answered this question.

What should I do?

23% (192) Stop running with your friends.
24% (198) Ask your friends to choose places where running barefoot is less painful.
51% (420) Keep running with your friends wherever they want. It was your choice to run barefoot, now you have to accept the consequences.

810 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2013-09-20 11:34:41 by pierre31
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