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I'm being forced to wear diapers HELP!

I live with my aunt and she said she's going to make me wear diapers as punishment. I didn't believe her but my 14 year old cousin said she used to punish him this way he was younger, but I'm 16! She can't seriously do this. I got in trouble at school for putting paper towels in the toilets and sinks to flood them last week, but I already have been grounded all weekend and am writing a letter apologizing to the school janitor. Is it illegal for her to do this to me?! How can I make her not? I told her theres no way I'm wearing them and that she better just ground me or something instead. I need to convince her not to punish me this way! If this happens I don't want anyone to know I'm wearing diapers or see me in them not even my cousin or aunt. She said I have it coming to me this next week. I cant sleep cause I'm so worried about what might happen.
How should I be REASONABLY punished?
no video games
early curfew
any other Ideas?
Do you think it is wrong of her to try and make me wear diapers?
Yes, its unfair and not right.
If I do wear diapers I have privacy and should be able to hide them from everyone or else this is child abuse. I don't want anyone to see me in them, not even my cousin.
Yes, she can't make me go around in just a diaper. If I go along with the punishment I get to wear what I want for clothes.
Yes, I don't have to wear them to school or out in public, that would be wrong.
Yes I don't have to have my cousin or aunt see me in them when i'm at home.
I should not have to use the diapers.
yes, its unhealthy.
yes, it's my body and my choice.
Help suggest some ideas for me to not get punished this ridiculous way. I've tried talking my aunt out of it but she won't even listen to me, she's crazy and stupid. How can I make her see that this is a horrible way to punish someone and is like child abuse. If I do end up wearing them how do I prove to her that I shouldn't be seen in them by her and my cousin, let alone, others?
Why is this kind of punishment not right?
This poll was created on 2013-09-30 13:15:35 by supermotochamp