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would you be willing to take part in a little experiment were you kids are consa

to find out if their are any parents willing to take part in an experiment were their kids are consarnd
would you be willing to take part in an experimant were your kids are consarnd
it depends on what it is
i will think about it depending on what it involes
if yes would you be willing to give you kids a choice of doing on fo the following and see whitch one they chose to do and let them do the one they chose to do they can get a bathe or shower the next time they get a bath or shower fully clothed in their shoes and socks they can go swimming the next time they go swimming fully clothed in their shoes and socks
ok i will but the choices to them and see whitch they chose to do and let them do the one they chose
i will give them the choices and let them do the one they chose on the under standing that it is a one off that they are doing
i will but the choices to them and let them do the one the chose on the under standing that they do it in old clothe only
i will but the choices to them and let them do it but not in shoes
i will think about it
no their is on way they are going to do either of them i will not allow them to
if you have but the choices in question two to your lids whitch one have they chosen to do
they have chosen to get a bath or shower fully clothed in their shoes and socks the next time they get a bath or shower
they have chosen to go swimming fully clothed in their shoes and socks the next time they go swimming
nither as i am not putting the choices to them i would not allow them to chose between them as they are likley to say that they will do bothe and i do not want to put idears into their heads as they would do them if they got the idaer that they could
are you going to let them do the one they have chosen to do
yes defanaly
yes on the under standing tha they do it in old clothe only
yes but on the under standing that it is a one off
yes but not in their shoes
i but the choices to them and told them that i will think about letting them do the one they have chosen
i but the choices to them but told them first that i was only intrested in knowing witch one they would chose to do if they had the choice of doing one of them now i know whitch one they would do i will think about letting them do the one they said the would chose
no i did not but the choices to them and i would not let them do either of them
yes it is their choice
how old are your kids
under 8
8 to 10
10 to 13
13 to 15
would rather not say
This poll was created on 2013-03-26 07:40:42 by HOWARDTHEDUCK