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running habits

Men, what do you typically wear when running outside in nice weather?

30% (22) Shorts and a t-shirt
12% (9) Shorts and a cutoff shirt
26% (19) Shorts and a tank top
31% (23) Shorts and no shirt

73 voters have answered this question.

Women, what do you typically wear when running outside in nice weather?

11% (6) Shorts and a t-shirt
3% (2) Shorts and a cutoff shirt
7% (4) Shorts and a tank top
61% (32) Shorts and just a sports bra
15% (8) Just compression shorts and a sports bra

52 voters have answered this question.

If you run shirtless, do you

35% (25) start with a shirt then take it off
64% (45) start without a shirt

70 voters have answered this question.

How often do you spit?

26% (25) I don't
50% (48) A few times
23% (22) Constantly

95 voters have answered this question.

Where do you spit?

17% (15) Nowhere
55% (47) On the grass or dirt
36% (31) On the street
38% (32) On the trail or sidewalk
35% (30) Into a drain
25% (21) Over a railing
26% (22) Everywhere

84 voters have answered this question.

You have the urge to pee. You are running along a trail along a river in a park. What do you do? You haven't seen any other runners.

9% (9) Hold it
7% (7) Got to up to the river and pretend to stretch or admire the view. Pee into the river
32% (31) Stay on the trail and pee into a bush
36% (35) Find a small clearing in the woods and pee there
14% (14) Keep running and pee yourself

96 voters have answered this question.

You have the urge to pee. You are running on a trail in a park. There are some sports fields with a few people. What do you do?

35% (34) Pee on the back wall of a shed
21% (21) Pee in the bushes along the perimeter even though everybody could see you
10% (10) Sit down at a vacant picnic table and pee there
18% (18) Hold it
13% (13) Keep running and wet yourself

96 voters have answered this question.

Men, what technique do you prefer?

54% (40) Pull shorts down
45% (33) Go through a pant leg

73 voters have answered this question.

Women, what technique do you prefer?

25% (13) Squat
32% (17) Rest ass against a wall, tree, etc
19% (10) Hang ass over a railing, bench, etc
23% (12) Stand

52 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2013-11-23 17:55:28 by cba314
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