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Shoes When Doing Yardwork/Farmwork?

It seems to me that a lot of people decide not to wear shoes when they're working outside, preferring to go barefoot instead, especially if it's farm-type work in rural areas. What about you?
First, what is your gender?
Second, your age?
10 or under
60 or over
Third, where do you live? (Only country and province/state, please)
What kind of area do you live in?
Which of these have you done before without wearing shoes?
Yard-work at my house- Lawn Mowing
Yard-work at my house- Weed pulling
Yard-work at my house- Hedge trimming
Yard-work at my house- Planting
Yard-work at my house- Watering Plants
Yard-work at my house- Leave Raking
Yard-work at my house- Other
Yard-Work at friend's/relative's/neighbor's house- Lawn Mowing
Yard-Work at friend's/relative's/neighbor's house- Weed pulling
Yard-Work at friend's/relative's/neighbor's house-Hedge trimming
Yard-Work at friend's/relative's/neighbor's house- Planting
Yard-Work at friend's/relative's/neighbor's house- Watering plants
Yard-Work at friend's/relative's/neighbor's house- Leave Raking
Yard-Work at friend's/relative's/neighbor's house- Other
Yard-Work for profit- Weed pulling
Yard-Work for profit- Hedge trimming
Yard-Work for profit- Planting
Yard-Work for profit- Watering plants
Yard-Work for profit- Leave Raking
Yard-Work for profit- Other
Farm work- Planting
Farm work- Watering plants
Farm work- Harvesting
Farm work- Other field work
Farm work- Tending animals (Which ones?)
Farm work- Maintenance/ Repairs
Farm work- Horse training
Farm work- Other
General "Other"
None of the above
Which of the jobs of the ones listed above was the first one you did barefoot? Why did you do it barefoot?
In general, what is the most common type of footwear you have when doing yard-work?
Work Boots
Gym shoes
Whatever I have when assigned the task
In general, what is the most common type of footwear you have when doing farm-type work?
Work Boots
Gym shoes
No shoes
Whatever I have when assigned the task
I don't do farmwork
If you currently do any of the listed work shoeless, then why do you?
If you did any yard-work that was listed above at your house without shoes, what sort of reactions did you get from people passing by? (Who you didn't know)
They paid me no mind; working barefoot is common here.
They were indifferent about it, even though doing yard-work barefoot was uncommon.
I had a few stares.
A lot of people noticed and stared.
I was given weird looks.
Someone would toss an insult occasionally.
Many people mocked me.
I was asked where my shoes were.
I was asked what it felt like.
They asked why my feet were bare.
I don't think anyone could see me too often...
I never did yard-work at my house shoeless.
If you were doing yard-work at another person's house (Friend/relative/ neighbor, not for profit.)while shoeless, what sort of reaction did you get from people you knew?
They asked why my feet were bare.
They asked where my shoes were.
They asked what it felt like.
I was just given a surprised look at first, no one mentioned it.
I was given a weird look at first, but no one mentioned it.
They noticed, but didn't say anything.
They didn't even seem to notice.
There were some jokes made about it.
I was urged to get shoes on.
No one cared.
I never did yard-work at another's house shoeless.
If you were doing yard work at another person's house to get paid, and did the work barefoot, what sort of reaction did you get from the people there?
They asked why I had bare feet.
They asked where my shoes were.
They asked what it felt like.
They urged me to wear shoes.
I was offered shoes, but I turned them down.
I was offered shoes, and I accepted.
There were some jokes made about it.
I was given a surprised look at first, but no one mentioned it.
I was given a weird look, but no one mentioned it.
They noticed, but no one brought it up.
No one even seemed to notice.
I never did yardwork fro profit without shoes.
If anyone helped you for any kind of yard-work while you did it without shoes, who helped you?
Brother (Older or younger? How many?)
Sister (Older or younger? How many?)
Cousin (Gender? Number?)
Friend- Male (How Many?)
Friend- Female (How Many?)
Best Friend- Male
Best Friend- Female
Of the people who helped you in the question above, how did those people react to your bare feet? Did they start out barefoot too, or remove their shoes and join you (Or neither)?
If you were doing farm work without shoes on, how did people passing by react? (Who you didn't know)
They paid me no mind; going barefoot in the country is common.
Even though not wearing shoes was unusual, they hardly even noticed.
I was given an occasional stare.
A lot of people noticed and stared.
I was given a few weird looks.
Someone would toss an insult occasionally.
I was mocked.
I was asked why I didn't have shoes.
I was asked where my shoes were.
Usually, when I see someone working outside barefoot, they roll up their pants to the ankles or higher (Assuming the pants are that long.). Do you roll your pants up? If so, how high?
I don't roll my pants up when working shoeless outside.
I roll my pants up to my ankles.
I roll my pants up to slightly above ankle-length.
I roll my pants up to my knees
It fully depends on the situation/jobs.
Under what conditions would you roll your pants up? (SKIP if you did not select "It fully depends on the situation/jobs" in the question above.)
I'm working in a watery area
I am working in a sandy area
The ground is wet / it is raining
I am working on muddy ground
The grass in the area is tall
The job involves feeding/ caring for animals
If you ever roll your pants up, how often do you do it?
Always- You'll never catch me in bare feet without my pants rolled up.
Usually- If I'm in a hurry or something, I won't, but I usually do it.
Often- My pants are usually rolled up if my feet are bare, but I don't roll them up sometimes.
Average- Half of the time, I do, about half, I don't.
Uncommonly- I don't usually roll my pants up, but I will if I'm in the mood.
Rarely- There are few circumstances in which I roll up my pants.
Never- If I am barefoot, then I won't roll them up. Period.
Explain your answer.
The most common place where people don't where shoes when working is out in the country. That is something I never really understood the reasoning for. If you live in a rural area, how often is it that you are barefoot? (SKIP if you don't live in a rural area.)
100%- I am always barefoot. Sleeping, working, you name it. You'll never catch me with shoes on.
90%- I rarely ever wear shoes. I wear shoes only under certain conditions, the rest of the time, I am barefoot.
75%- In most cases, I won't wear shoes. I will still do some things with shoes on, but usually you'll find me in bare feet.
50%- About half of the time I have shoes, about half I don't.
25%- I will usually have shoes outside of the house. But sometimes it's nice just to go around outside in bare feet.
10%- I won't wear shoes outside of the house unless I'm forced to. I'm rarely barefoot inside, anyway.
0%- You will never catch me in bare feet under any circumstances.
Explain you answer.
In the area you live in, how common is it to do yard-work/farm-work without shoes?
Very common- Most everyone around here has bare feet while working outside.
Common- A lot of the people around here don't wear shoes during work.
Average- Some of the people don't wear shoes when working, but some do.
Uncommon- Most people wear shoes when they work, but occasionally some won't.
Rare- It is very difficult to find someone working outside without shoes.
In the area you live in, how common is it do go without shoes when doing leisurely outdoor things?
Very common- If someone just wants to do fun stuff outside, they go barefoot. That's pretty much how it is.
Common- In most cases, people who are just playing around outdoors won't wear shoes. But you'll catch some people with footwear.
Average- Some people choose to wear shoes, some don't.
Uncommon- If someone is just playing outside, they will likely wear shoes. But there are some who go barefoot.
Rare- It is very difficult to find someone outside without shoes.
Do you have anything else to add?
This poll was created on 2013-12-18 22:26:13 by the unknown