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Training me to live better

Hi, my name is Jamie and Im 28 years old. I have a job that is reasonably well paid with some career prospects. When I was in my teens and early 20s I did stuff which a lot of people of that age do. Although I have gotten rid of most of those things, I dont think that I have really grown up properly. I drink too much alcohol, I smoke a lot of cigarettes and I dont do much exercise. Because of this I am starting to get fat and I need to turn things around before its too late. I want to start a website where I publish my life targets and let people monitor my progress against them. The idea is that people act like a jury (anonymously if they want) and decide if I have worked hard enough to put things right and decide how I should be rewarded or punished. I want to sound people out on how this should work before I start building the site.
Tell me what you think the rules should be about tobacco and alcohol use in my new regime
Tobacco use should be prohibited
Tobacco use should be allowed in small quantities as a reward for good behavior
Tobacco use should be unrestricted (my health is my problem)
Alcohol use should be prohibited
Alcohol use should be allowed in small quantities as a reward for good behavior
Alcohol use should be unrestricted
Tell me how my tobacco and alcohol use should be monitored
Honor system (I report my own usage)
Daily alcohol breath test
Daily carbon monoxide breath test
Random urine test for illegal substances (at least one each month)
Do you think I should be made to do physical exercise as part of my new regime?
No (my health is my problem)
Yes, you should burn at least 1000 calories each week
Yes, you should burn at least 1500 calories each week
Yes, you should burn at least 2000 calories each week
Yes, you should burn at least 2500 calories each week
Yes, you should burn at least 3000 calories each week
If you answered yes, how should I be permitted to exercise?
Gym cardio
Gym class
Swimming class
Should my physical training be monitored to keep me honest?
No Jamie, I trust you to tell the truth
You will wear a GPS tracker and a heart rate monitor and share the data on your website to prove it
You will ask an employee at the gym or at the pool to verify that you have been there
You will post images of yourself at every workout
For someone like me, what do you think would be the best motivator
Reward for success
Punishment for failure
Reward for success and Punishment for failure
If you like the idea of rewards, what would you recommend?
Break from your regime for one day a month
Break from your regime for two days a month
Break from your regime for four days a month
No mercy
If the idea of punishments is implemented, there will most likely be two levels - sanctions (for minor failures) and severe punishments (for major failures). Both sanctions and punishments will be reported on my website. Do you agree?
Yes - punishments should be proportionate to the failure
No - life is hard. Minor sanctions are enough
No - any failure deserves a more severe punishment
Sanctions: In the model I am proposing, these will be applied next week if I fail a target this week. Select which sanctions you think would help me.
500 extra calories to burn next week
1000 extra calories to burn next week
Double your normal workout target next week
Restricted to only one type of exercise next week:
Curfew for the whole of next week (time):
Diet restriction for the whole of next week:
If I fail multiple targets, or fail any target on a sanction week, a punishment will apply. Punishments are intended to deter me from failure but should impose genuine hardship if they are incurred. Do you agree with this principle?
No Jamie, you're only human
Yes - you need to behave like an adult
Punishments (financial). Tell me what you would recommend from the following financial punishments:
Spend US$100 on random things from random people's Amazon wishlists
Donate to charity from your paycheck, leaving yourself with minimum wage for a week
Donate to charity from your paycheck, leaving yourself with minimum wage for a month
Punishments (humiliation). Tell me what you would recommend from the following humiliation punishments:
Humiliating clothing
Wearing a dog collar or human collar
Wearing a collar, and being held on a leash
Having people write on me
Wearing diapers
Wearing a sign, or a t-shirt / hoodie with words on it
Tell me how this would work:
Punishments (tattoo). I have some tattoos already (I have a full sleeve on my right arm and three stars at the back of my neck). If I am to be punished with further tattoos, what could this include?
Left arm:
Tattoos to your leg(s):
Tattoos to your neck (hidden by shirt collar):
Tattoos to your neck (not hidden by shirt collar):
Tattoos to your genitals:
Tattoos to your face:
Keep it discreet
I dont care if you get fired, you deserve to be punished
Punishments (piercing). I have piercings already but these are quite discreet (my ears are gauged at 2ga and I have a 10ga septum that is normally hidden). This is about as much as I can get away with in my job. If I am to be punished with further piercings, what could this include?
Stretch your ears more
Big septum ring that you cant hide
Additional nose piercings:
Lip piercings:
Tongue piercings:
Genital piercings:
Keep it discreet
I dont care if you get fired, you deserve to be punished
Punishments (restraint). What would be reasonable restraint punishments?
Wearing handcuffs for 12 hours
Wearing handcuffs for 24 hours
Wearing handcuffs for a full weekend (when I get home on Friday until I leave for work on Monday)
Wearing leg cuffs for 12 hours
Wearing leg cuffs for 24 hours
Wearing leg cuffs for a full weekend (when I get home on Friday until I leave for work on Monday)
Wide leather collar (locked)
Metal collar (locked)
Further restraint?
Should restraint punishments be conducted naked?
Should restraint punishments be monitored by live webcam?
Punishments (chastity). I own a device which can be locked onto me to prevent me from touching or stimulating myself. If this is to be used as a punishment in my regime, how long would be reasonable in your opinion? (in a supervised cleaning, I would have my hands cuffed to prevent me from touching myself).
24 hours
48 hours
1 week
2 weeks (with one supervised cleaning)
3 weeks (with one supervised cleaning)
1 month (with two supervised cleanings)
3 months (with a supervised cleaning every three weeks)
6 months (with a supervised cleaning every 2-3 weeks)
Punishments (diaper). I notice that diaper punishments are popular on Misterpoll. What do you think about diaper punishment as part of my regime? If diapers were used, they would be disposables with a security seal.
No. Not a good idea.
24 hours in diapers, 1 change (supervised)
48 hours in diapers, 1 change (supervised)
Whole weekend in diapers, 2 changes (supervised)
Whole week in diapers, 1 change per day (supervised)
Punishments (diaper continued). If I were subject to diaper punishment, there would be a chance that my co-workers would notice the smell. What would I be required to say to them?
I have a medical problem that means I temporarily have to wear diapers
I have no self-control in most aspects of my life, and so I have to wear diapers because I just can't be trusted with adult responsibility
I just prefer wearing diapers and feeling the wetness
Is there anything else you would suggest adding to my regime?
This poll was created on 2013-12-23 20:42:12 by Jamieboi