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How would you run a Prison?

If you had to run a prison for both Male and Female inmates, how would you do it?

Are you male or female?

66% (91) Male
33% (45) Female

136 voters have answered this question.

How old are you?

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136 voters have answered this question.

To start off, how high should prison security be?

2% (3) Low
33% (46) Average
63% (87) High

136 voters have answered this question.

As mentioned in the description, you will be housing both Male and Female prisoners. Will you keep the divided or as one?

80% (110) Divide different genders into 2 different sections of the prison.
19% (26) Keep everyone in one place.

136 voters have answered this question.

What are the ages of the inmates you will have?

75% (102) 16-20
84% (115) 20-29
66% (90) 30-39
47% (65) 40-49
21% (29) 50-55
13% (19) 56 or higher

136 voters have answered this question.

As for the uniform, what should male uniforms be like?

36% (50) Jumpsuit
15% (21) A button-down shirt and trousers
2% (3) A button-down shirt and jeans
7% (10) A hood-less sweatshirt with trousers
4% (6) A hood-less sweatshirt with jeans
4% (6) A hood-less sweatshirt with sweatpants
6% (9) T-shirt and jeans
4% (6) T-shirt and sweatpants
18% (25) T-shirt and gym shorts

136 voters have answered this question.

What kinds of shoes should male inmates have?

30% (42) Gym shoes
27% (37) Boots
4% (6) Sandals
8% (12) Flip-flops
28% (39) Nothing

136 voters have answered this question.

As for the uniform, what should female uniforms be like?

48% (66) Jumpsuit
17% (24) Short prison-skirt (About knee length)
6% (9) Longer Prison-dress (Almost down to ankles)
3% (5) A hood-less sweatshirt with jeans
2% (3) A hood-less sweatshirt with sweatpants
1% (2) A hood-less sweatshirt with gym shorts
3% (5) T-shirt with jeans
2% (3) T-shirt with sweatpants
13% (19) T-shirt with gym shorts

136 voters have answered this question.

What kinds of shoes should female inmates have?

16% (23) Gym shoes
8% (12) Boots
5% (8) Sandals
12% (17) Flip-flops
55% (76) Bare feet

136 voters have answered this question.

Are prisoners allowed socks?

14% (20) Yes, everyone is
41% (56) Only men are
10% (14) Only women are
33% (46) No

136 voters have answered this question.

Can you describe both uniforms in greater detail?

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136 voters have answered this question.

How should the cell condition be?

27% (37) Good- Cell cleaned weekly, beds made, good enough space
38% (53) Average- Cell cleaned occasionally, smaller space
16% (22) Bad- Cells cleaned by inmates every other week, cell is small
17% (24) Awful- Cells rarely cleaned, cell is barely large enough for the people it holds

136 voters have answered this question.

How many people to a cell?

50% (69) Individuals get their own
16% (23) Maximum of 2
7% (10) 1-3
5% (8) 2-4
2% (4) 3-5
1% (2) 4-5
14% (20) 5 or more

136 voters have answered this question.

Describe the average cell

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77 voters have answered this question.

What separates the inside of the cell from the outside?

53% (73) Metal bars, close together with a locked barred door
5% (7) Sheet of impact-resistant glass, glass-windowed door
2% (3) Sheet of impact-resistant glass, metal door
7% (10) Brick wall with a barred window, metal door
4% (6) Brick wall with a strong glass window, barred door
3% (5) Brick wall without window, metal door with barred window
9% (13) Windowless brick wall, metal door with strong glass window
13% (19) Windowless brick wall, windowless metal door

136 voters have answered this question.

Can you describe the average cell in greater detail?

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136 voters have answered this question.

When it comes time for prisoners to eat, do they go to a cafeteria or is food served to the cells?

45% (62) Prisoners move to a cafeteria
54% (74) Food is served to cells

136 voters have answered this question.

If prisoners eat at a cafeteria, how are they brought there?

89% (99) In straight lines, monitored by guards
9% (10) In unorganized groups, monitored by guards
1% (2) In unorganized groups, unmonitored but escape ways are blocked

111 voters have answered this question.

Are there bathrooms separate from the cells, or do cells have toilets and sinks?

15% (21) Separate bathrooms
33% (46) Toilets and sinks are inside cells, but there are separate shower areas
50% (69) Toilet and sinks are inside cells

136 voters have answered this question.

How many of each of these things does an average bathroom have?

75% (102) Toilets
67% (92) Sinks/ washing basin
66% (91) Showers

136 voters have answered this question.

How are the bathroom conditions?

32% (41) Well-kept
44% (57) Average
23% (30) Dirty

128 voters have answered this question.

How often are prisoners allowed into the bathroom?

1% (2) 5 times per day
6% (9) 4 times per day, once after each meal, once when they wake up
9% (12) 3 times per day, after each meal
13% (18) 2 times per day, after breakfast and dinner
13% (18) Once per day
54% (70) Whenever a prisoner asks and is approved to go

129 voters have answered this question.

How are prisoners allowed into the bathrooms?

31% (39) Straight line monitored by guards, only 3 in at a time
14% (18) Straight line monitored by guards, only 5 in at a time
33% (41) Straight line monitored by guards, one at a time
3% (4) Unorganized groups, monitored by guards, 5 at a time
0% (0) Unorganized groups, monitored by guards, 3 at a time
17% (22) Everyone in at once, guards watching

124 voters have answered this question.

What kinds of work will male inmates have to do?

16% (22) Outdoor
8% (12) Indoor
75% (102) Both

136 voters have answered this question.

What kinds of work will female inmates have to do?

2% (4) Outdoor
29% (40) Indoor
67% (92) Both

136 voters have answered this question.

Is there any change to the uniform when the male prisoners are working? (Mark all that apply ("Permitted" means that it is not required))

49% (67) No
19% (26) Work boots required
22% (30) Work boots permitted
4% (6) Gym shoes required
13% (18) Gym shoes permitted
18% (25) Men must work barefoot
11% (16) Working shirts required
14% (20) Working shirts permitted
5% (7) Button-down shirts required
12% (17) Button-down shirts permitted
15% (21) Men must work shirtless
9% (13) Overalls required
16% (23) Overalls permitted
12% (17) Work pants required
21% (29) Work pants permitted

136 voters have answered this question.

Is there any change to the uniform when the female prisoners are working? (Mark all that apply ("Permitted", means that it is NOT required))

37% (51) No
9% (13) Work boots required
11% (16) Work boots permitted
1% (2) Gym shoes required
9% (13) Gym shoes permitted
43% (59) Women must work barefoot
19% (27) Working shirts required
8% (12) Working shirts permitted
5% (7) Button-down shirt required
5% (8) Button-down shirt permitted
14% (20) Sleeveless shirt required
12% (17) Sleeveless shirt permitted
19% (27) Overalls required
8% (11) Overalls permitted
20% (28) Work pants required
9% (13) Work pants permitted

136 voters have answered this question.

What sorts of jobs do male inmates have?

72% (98) Rock-breaking (Outdoor)
47% (65) Agricultural work (Outdoor)
71% (97) Building (Outdoor)
67% (92) Item/Material transport (Outdoor and Indoor)
73% (100) Building maintenance (Outdoor and Indoor)
36% (50) Building cleaning (Indoor)
39% (54) Bathroom cleaning (Indoor)

136 voters have answered this question.

What sorts of jobs do female inmates have?

26% (36) Rock-Breaking (Outdoor)
70% (96) Agricultural work (Outdoor)
26% (36) Building (Outdoor)
32% (44) Item/Material Transport (Outdoor and Indoor)
40% (55) Building maintenance (Outdoor and Indoor)
92% (126) Building cleaning (Indoor)
90% (123) Bathroom cleaning (Indoor)

136 voters have answered this question.

For which jobs are the uniform changes present for?

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57 voters have answered this question.

Do the prisoners ever get free time out of their cells?

20% (28) Nope, never
26% (36) Yes, in a restricted indoor area (Overall gym-like, hard floors, weights, ect.)
10% (14) Yes, in a restricted park-like area (Outdoor, grass and trees, small paved paths)
42% (58) Yes, in a restricted outdoor area (Concrete ground, basketball/volleyball items)

136 voters have answered this question.

How often to prisoners get this free time?

20% (28) Never
69% (95) Once per week
3% (5) Once every 2 weeks
0% (1) 2 times per month
5% (7) 1 time per month

136 voters have answered this question.

If a prisoner disobeys, what kind of punishments will be used on him/her? (Select all that apply.)

63% (86) Beatings/Whippings
71% (97) Put inside an isolated cell for X amount of time
55% (75) Having to wear a specific uniform type for X days
61% (83) Extra labor on work days
66% (91) No "free-time"
44% (60) Prisoner is forced into handcuffs for X days
63% (86) Prisoner is chained to a wall in a special cell for X amount of time
16% (23) Other

136 voters have answered this question.

Is there anything you want to add that I may have forgotten to mention?

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31 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2013-12-24 22:02:35 by the unknown
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