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Have you pooped a diaper

Have you ever pooped a diaper at the age of 10

84% (150) Yes
15% (27) No

177 voters have answered this question.

Age 9

81% (144) Yes
18% (33) No

177 voters have answered this question.

Age 8

83% (147) Yes
16% (30) No

177 voters have answered this question.

Age 7

84% (150) Yes
15% (27) No

177 voters have answered this question.

How bad was it

46% (83) Messy
3% (7) Wet
11% (20) Exsplosive
15% (27) Diaper overflowing with poop
14% (26) Diaper destroyed by poop
7% (14) Diaper soaked with pee

177 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2014-01-03 00:52:43 by Gerico Tanka
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