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Breaking Bad Vs. Game of Thrones

Which show will come out on top?


38% (796) AMC
61% (1280) HBO

2076 voters have answered this question.

Vince Gilligan vs. George R.R. Martin

53% (1113) Vince Gilligan
46% (981) George R.R. Martin

2094 voters have answered this question.

Better Actor?

73% (1559) Bryan Cranston
26% (573) Peter Dinklage

2132 voters have answered this question.

Better Actress

41% (866) Anna Gunn
58% (1218) Emilia Clarke

2084 voters have answered this question.

Better Actor?

67% (1405) Aaron Paul
32% (687) Sean Bean

2092 voters have answered this question.

Breaking Bad - Best (Main) Character

70% (1465) Walter White
16% (336) Jesse Pinkman
0% (9) Skyler White
1% (34) Hank Schrader
0% (4) Marie Schrader
0% (19) Walter White Jr.
3% (66) Saul Goodman
3% (83) Gustavo Fring
2% (56) Mike Ehrmantraut
0% (4) Lydia Rodarte-Quayle
0% (7) Todd Alquist

2083 voters have answered this question.

Game of Thrones - Best (Main) Character

10% (210) Ned Stark
49% (987) Tyrion Lannister
7% (149) Daenerys Targaryen
1% (25) Cersi Lannister
2% (52) Jamie Lannister
2% (43) Tywin Lannister
1% (33) Joffrey Baratheon
13% (277) Jon Snow
0% (14) Jorah Mormont
1% (25) Robb Stark
0% (9) Catelyn Stark
4% (93) Arya Stark
0% (17) Sansa Stark
0% (4) Bran Stark
0% (6) Theon Greyjoy
0% (6) Samwell Tarly
1% (25) Stannis Baratheon
0% (5) Melisandre
1% (21) Davos Seaworth

2001 voters have answered this question.

Overall Best (Main) Character

55% (1143) Walter White
7% (158) Jesse Pinkman
0% (3) Skyker White
0% (5) Hank Schrader
0% (0) Marie Schrader
0% (3) Walter White Jr.
0% (13) Saul Goodman
1% (37) Gustavo Fring
0% (15) Mike Ehrmantraut
0% (0) Lydia Rodarte-Quayle
0% (0) Todd Alquist
1% (40) Ned Stark
16% (347) Tyrion Lannister
2% (52) Daenerys Targaryen
0% (9) Cersi Lannister
1% (25) Jamie Lannister
0% (14) Tywin Lannister
0% (7) Joffrey Baratheon
5% (106) Jon Snow
0% (4) Jorah Mormont
0% (9) Robb Stark
0% (1) Catelyn Stark
1% (30) Arya Stark
0% (3) Sansa Stark
0% (0) Bran Stark
0% (0) Theon Greyjoy
0% (0) Samwell Tarly
0% (13) Stannis Baratheon
0% (2) Melisandre
0% (5) Davos Seaworth

2044 voters have answered this question.

Breaking Bad - Best (Minor) Character

16% (319) Steve Gomez
3% (70) Jack Welker
12% (240) Brandon "Badger" Mayhew
7% (144) Skinny Pete
0% (18) Christian "Combo" Ortega
4% (83) Huell Babineaux
0% (17) Patrick Kuby
1% (36) Ted Beneke
14% (280) Hector Salamanca
25% (481) Tuco Salamanca
4% (82) Gale Boetticher
6% (131) Other

1901 voters have answered this question.

Game of Thrones - Best (Minor) Character

16% (307) Bronn
21% (394) The Hound
3% (74) Margeary Tyrell
1% (29) Joer Mormont
15% (289) Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish
7% (134) Varys
0% (14) Grand Maester Pycelle
1% (28) Podrick Payne
2% (39) Shae
2% (53) Ygritte
1% (25) Talisa Stark
1% (23) Roose Bolton
0% (12) Walder Frey
2% (46) Brienne of Tarth
1% (26) Robert Baratheon
8% (166) Khal Drogo
0% (3) Osha
6% (119) Hodor
4% (82) Other

1863 voters have answered this question.

Overall Best (Minor) Character

7% (142) Steve Gomez
2% (38) Jack Welker
4% (92) Brandon "Badger" Mayhew
2% (47) Skinny Pete
0% (9) Christian "Combo" Ortega
1% (25) Huell Babineaux
0% (6) Patrick Kuby
0% (8) Ted Beneke
5% (101) Hector Salamanca
10% (194) Tuco Salamanca
1% (31) Gale Boetticher
9% (186) Bronn
15% (293) The Hound
2% (38) Margeary Tyrell
0% (12) Joer Mormont
12% (235) Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish
4% (89) Varys
0% (3) Grand Maester Pycelle
0% (13) Podrick Payne
0% (9) Shae
1% (36) Ygritte
0% (4) Talisa Stark
0% (9) Roose Bolton
0% (3) Walder Frey
1% (29) Brienne of Tarth
0% (14) Robert Baratheon
4% (80) Khal Drogo
0% (5) Osha
3% (68) Hodor
2% (49) Other

1868 voters have answered this question.

Breaking Bad - Best Villain

48% (888) Walter White "Heisenberg"
0% (17) Emilio Koyama
0% (15) Domingo "Krazy 8" Molina
3% (69) Tuco Salamanca
2% (52) The Cousins
1% (24) Hector Salamanca
38% (710) Gustavo Fring
0% (9) Lydia Rodarte-Quayle
1% (21) Todd Alquist
1% (26) Jack Welker & White Supremacist Gang

1831 voters have answered this question.

Game of Thrones - Best Villain

6% (117) Walder Frey
30% (549) Joffrey Baratheon
16% (304) Tywin Lannister
12% (220) Cersi Lannister
18% (334) Ramsay Snow
10% (185) Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish
1% (18) Grand Maester Pycelle
1% (35) Roose Bolton
1% (33) Melisandre

1795 voters have answered this question.

Overall Best Villain

40% (733) Walter White "Heisenberg"
0% (4) Emilio Koyama
0% (3) Domingo "Krazy 8" Molina
0% (17) Tuco Salamanca
0% (11) The Cousins
0% (3) Hector Salamanca
20% (376) Gustavo Fring
0% (1) Lydia Rodarte-Quayle
0% (7) Todd Alquist
0% (5) Jack Welker & White Supremacist Gang
0% (18) Walder Frey
13% (250) Joffrey Baratheon
5% (104) Tywin Lannister
4% (78) Cersi Lannister
7% (137) Ramsay Snow
3% (61) Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish
0% (1) Grand Maester Pycelle
0% (11) Roose Bolton
0% (5) Melisandre

1825 voters have answered this question.

Walter White vs. Ned Stark

77% (1400) Walter White
22% (396) Ned Stark

1796 voters have answered this question.

Walter White vs. Daenerys Targaryen

76% (1363) Walter White
23% (424) Daenerys Targaryen

1787 voters have answered this question.

Jesse Pinkman vs. Tyrion Lannister

43% (767) Jesse Pinkman
56% (1010) Tyrion Lannister

1777 voters have answered this question.

Skyler White vs. Cersi Lannister

34% (599) Skyler White
65% (1157) Cersi Lannister

1756 voters have answered this question.

Hank Schrader vs. Jon Snow

42% (743) Hank Schrader
57% (1000) Jon Snow

1743 voters have answered this question.

Marie Schrader vs. Catelyn Stark

32% (559) Marie Schrader
67% (1135) Catelyn Stark

1694 voters have answered this question.

Walter White Jr. vs. Bran Stark

54% (916) Walter White Jr.
45% (773) Bran Stark

1689 voters have answered this question.

Walter White Jr. vs. Joffrey Baratheon

51% (870) Walter White Jr.
48% (817) Joffrey Baratheon

1687 voters have answered this question.

Saul Goodman vs. Jamie Lannister

63% (1062) Saul Goodman
36% (614) Jamie Lannister

1676 voters have answered this question.

Gustavo Fring vs. Tywin Lannister

63% (1047) Gustavo Fring
36% (600) Tywin Lannister

1647 voters have answered this question.

Mike Ehrmantraut vs. Bronn

62% (1010) Mike Ehrmantraut
37% (609) Bronn

1619 voters have answered this question.

Mike Ehrmantraut vs. The Hound

55% (893) Mike Ehrmantraut
44% (715) The Hound

1608 voters have answered this question.

Lydia Rodarte-Quayle vs. Melisandre

35% (559) Lydia Rodarte-Quayle
64% (997) Melisandre

1556 voters have answered this question.

Todd Alquist vs. Joffrey Baratheon

35% (556) Todd Alquist
64% (995) Joffrey Baratheon

1551 voters have answered this question.

Steve Gomez vs. Davos Seaworth

45% (703) Steve Gomez
54% (826) Davos Seaworth

1529 voters have answered this question.

Jack Welker vs. Walder Frey

52% (784) Jack Welker
47% (721) Walder Frey

1505 voters have answered this question.

Brandon "Badger" Mayhew vs. Joer Mormont

54% (811) Brandon "Badger" Mayhew
45% (670) Joer Mormont

1481 voters have answered this question.

Skinny Pete vs. Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish

34% (521) Skinny Pete
65% (971) Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish

1492 voters have answered this question.

Huell Babineaux vs. Hodor

40% (606) Huell Babineaux
59% (874) Hodor

1480 voters have answered this question.

The Mexican Cartel vs. White Walkers

38% (583) The Mexican Cartel
61% (913) White Walkers

1496 voters have answered this question.

Best Theme Music

34% (520) Breaking Bad
65% (1000) Game of Thrones

1520 voters have answered this question.

Best Song

43% (652) Crystal Blue Persuasion
56% (833) The Rains of Castamere

1485 voters have answered this question.

Breaking Bad - Best Episode

5% (83) Pilot
0% (8) Cats in the Bag...
0% (14) ...And the Bag is in the River
0% (6) Grilled
0% (14) Peekaboo
0% (9) Phoenix
0% (5) ABQ
0% (10) No Mas
1% (16) One Minute
2% (30) Half Measures
2% (31) Full Measure
1% (18) Box Cutter
0% (4) Cornered
0% (11) Hermanos
1% (21) Salud
2% (32) Crawl Space
1% (16) End Times
10% (151) Face Off
1% (23) Live Free or Die
0% (14) Dead Freight
3% (49) Say My Name
0% (7) Gliding Over All
1% (16) Blood Money
0% (10) Confessions
1% (26) To'hajiilee
41% (620) Ozymandias
16% (249) Felina

1493 voters have answered this question.

Game of Thrones - Best Episode

13% (205) Winter Is Coming
0% (9) The Kingsroad
1% (24) The Wolf and the Lion
0% (14) The Pointy End
3% (58) Baelor
2% (42) Fire and Blood
2% (34) The North Remembers
0% (11) Garden of Bones
1% (25) The Old Gods and the New
14% (216) Blackwater
4% (60) Valar Morghulis
1% (25) Walk of Punishment
3% (46) And Now His Watch Is Ended
1% (26) Kissed by Fire
1% (25) The Climb
0% (9) The Bear and the Maiden Fair
1% (16) Second Sons
39% (583) The Rains of Castamere
3% (51) Mhysa

1479 voters have answered this question.

Overall Best Episode

4% (73) Pilot
7% (119) Face Off
0% (11) Dead Freight
35% (528) Ozymandias
13% (202) Felina
5% (82) Winter Is Coming
1% (18) Baelor
8% (123) Blackwater
3% (50) And Now His Watch Is Ended
19% (294) The Rains of Castamere

1500 voters have answered this question.

Breaking Bad - Best Quote

5% (89) "Stay out of my territory"
0% (9) "You two suck at peddling meth"
5% (88) "Yeah Mr. White, yeah science!"
0% (7) "I will put you under the jail"
1% (29) "No more half measures"
2% (35) "Run"
0% (5) "La familia es todo"
4% (75) "Better Call Saul"
31% (477) "I am the one who knocks"
2% (35) "I will kill your wife, I will kill your son, I will kill your infant daughter"
1% (26) "Just because you shot Jesse James, don't make you Jesse James"
4% (71) "Yeah bitch, magnets!"
14% (224) "Say my name"
3% (53) "Shut the f**k up and let me die in peace"
2% (36) "Tread lightly"
2% (31) "My name is ASAC Schrader, and you can go f**k yourself"
5% (77) "You're the smartest guy I ever met and your to stupid to see... He made up his mind ten minutes ago"
8% (125) "I did it for me, I liked it, I was good at it and I was really... I was alive"
0% (13) "You're being... You're... You're a p***y"

1505 voters have answered this question.

Game of Thrones - Best Quote

12% (192) "Valar Morghulis"
2% (41) "By what right does the wolf judge the lion"
0% (8) "My sun and stars"
1% (19) "Moon of my life"
2% (33) "Stick em' with the pointy end"
22% (333) "Winter is coming"
7% (118) "Why are all the gods such vicious c**ts? Where is the god of t*ts and wine?"
2% (39) "The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword"
7% (114) "The Lannisters send their regards"
1% (26) "The more people you love, the weaker you are... Love no one but your children"
3% (51) "Dracarys!"
1% (15) "When it's time I'm going to light the biggest fire the north has ever seen"
2% (41) "Monsters are dangerous and just now kings are dying like flies"
8% (124) "You know nothing Jon Snow"
3% (47) "Those are brave men knocking at our door... Let's go kill them!"
0% (14) "I have a tender spot in my heart for cripples, bastards and broken things"
4% (73) "Hodor?"
4% (66) "Any man who must say I am the king is no true king"
0% (7) "What happens when the non-existent bumps against the decrepit? Question for the philosophers"
5% (76) "A lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of a sheep"
2% (40) "He was no dragon, fire cannot kill the dragon"

1477 voters have answered this question.

Game of Thrones - Favorite House

3% (53) House Arryn
3% (55) House Baratheon
1% (25) House Frey
2% (37) House Greyjoy
19% (281) House Lannister
56% (835) House Stark
10% (149) House Targaryen
0% (13) House Tully
1% (27) House Tyrell

1475 voters have answered this question.

Favorite Stark

24% (365) Ned Stark
1% (19) Catelyn Stark
7% (107) Robb Stark
37% (551) Jon Snow
3% (54) Sansa Stark
23% (346) Arya Stark
1% (17) Bran Stark
0% (11) Rickon Stark

1470 voters have answered this question.

Favorite Lannister

12% (189) Tywin Lannister
2% (31) Kevan Lannister
11% (168) Jamie Lannister
4% (61) Cersi Lannister
66% (972) Tyrion Lannister
2% (39) Joffrey Baratheon

1460 voters have answered this question.

Breaking Bad - Best Season

6% (103) Season 1
4% (63) Season 2
6% (101) Season 3
22% (337) Season 4
5% (80) Season 5a
54% (821) Season 5b

1505 voters have answered this question.

Game of Thrones - Best Season

21% (313) Season 1
15% (223) Season 2
63% (917) Season 3

1453 voters have answered this question.

Overall Best Season

1% (30) (BB) Season 1
1% (24) (BB) Season 2
2% (44) (BB) Season 3
13% (208) (BB) Season 4
3% (59) (BB) Season 5a
44% (678) (BB) Season 5b
4% (66) (GoT) Season 1
4% (74) (GoT) Season 2
22% (341) (GoT) Season 3

1524 voters have answered this question.

Best All Around TV Show

61% (1316) Breaking Bad
38% (816) Game of Thrones

2132 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2014-01-10 14:33:45 by Wiz Marley Dylan
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