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Anybody you would love to tickle?

Do you ever fantasize on who you would love to tickle? If so, then take this poll and maybe post it in the message board! Thanks!

What is your gender?

73% (45) Male
26% (16) Female

61 voters have answered this question.

How old are you?

4% (3) 9 or below
8% (5) 10 to 13
32% (20) 14 to 17
21% (13) 18 to 21
32% (20) 22 or older

61 voters have answered this question.

Who would be your tickling target?

1% (1) Parents
18% (11) Siblings
16% (10) Other family relatives
14% (9) Teacher
24% (15) Boyfriend/girlfriend
59% (36) Your crush
13% (8) A fictional character (from a book, video game, etc.) (please specify name and their origin media)
18% (11) A complete stranger/someone you made up (please describe them)

61 voters have answered this question.

Where would you have them tickled and how would you get them there?

67% (41) A house
13% (8) A public place (like a school)
13% (8) Somewhere else...
24% (15) Casually ask them
49% (30) Trick them
16% (10) Force them
31% (19) Capture them and put them there
9% (6) Other/details...

61 voters have answered this question.

Where/how would you have your victim restrained?

49% (30) Spread eagle X formation
18% (11) Spread eagle Y formation
21% (13) I position (hands tied above head, legs tied together)
8% (5) Hogtie
16% (10) Sitting with legs in front, hands above them
8% (5) Sitting with legs in front, hands behind them
4% (3) Other position/details...
49% (30) On a bed
14% (9) On a chair
34% (21) In stocks
18% (11) On a table
18% (11) On a couch
13% (8) Different place/details...
8% (5) They won't be restrained
39% (24) They can wiggle and squirm, but not break free
31% (19) They can barely move at all
39% (24) They have no chance of escape, muhahaha! >:D

61 voters have answered this question.

What will your victim say when they figure out they've been captured?

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61 voters have answered this question.

How ticklish are they?

0% (0) Not ticklish (why would you be doing this then?)
0% (0) A little ticklish
6% (4) Somewhat ticklish
26% (16) Very ticklish
67% (41) EXTREMELY ticklish!

61 voters have answered this question.

Where are they ticklish?

36% (22) Face and/or ears
47% (29) Chin and/or neck
81% (50) Underarms
40% (25) Arms and elbows
29% (18) Hands
81% (50) Ribs
80% (49) Tummy
80% (49) Sides and/or hips
44% (27) Back
40% (25) Areas...
75% (46) Thighs
55% (34) Knee area
40% (25) Ankles
86% (53) Feet
68% (42) Toes
19% (12) Other

61 voters have answered this question.

Where will you tickle them the most?

3% (2) Face, ears, neck, and/or chin
8% (5) Underarms
0% (0) Arms and/or elbows
0% (0) Hands
3% (2) Ribs
16% (10) Tummy
0% (0) Sides and/or hips
1% (1) Back
13% (8) Areas...
8% (5) Thighs
0% (0) Knee area
0% (0) Ankles
29% (18) Feet
9% (6) Toes
6% (4) Other

61 voters have answered this question.

What will you use to tickle your victim?

57% (35) Gentle fingers and toes
78% (48) Wiggling fingers and toes
44% (27) Feather
47% (29) Soft brush
47% (29) Hard brush
52% (32) Electric brush
50% (31) Tounge
45% (28) Raspberry method
19% (12) Other/details...

61 voters have answered this question.

What else would the situation be like? Who would you bring to help tickle? What would you make your ticklee wear? A story for the previous questions? Etc.

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61 voters have answered this question.

Now the fun part! How hard will you tickle them?

36% (22) Playfully
34% (21) Moderately
36% (22) Hard
65% (40) EXTREME Tickle torture!

61 voters have answered this question.

Why would you be tickling them in the first place?

19% (12) "They wanted it. Now they get it!"
16% (10) To make them do/say something
40% (25) So I (the tickler) can experience tickling
37% (23) So he/she (the ticklee) can experience being tickled
47% (29) Just for fun
31% (19) So the victim gets you back
42% (26) To torture them
65% (40) To hear them laugh
54% (33) "I enjoy tickling..."
16% (10) Other

61 voters have answered this question.

How long will you be tickling them for?

3% (2) Less than 5 minutes
14% (9) 6 to 30 minutes
14% (9) 31 to an hour
16% (10) Up to 2 hours
4% (3) 4 hours?
3% (2) 8 hours? (wow you're so cruel)
6% (4) An entire day!
16% (10) LONGER
19% (12) Until...

61 voters have answered this question.

Describe the tickling! How do you tickle them? How do they react? How do you react? Etc.

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61 voters have answered this question.

What happens after the tickling?

29% (18) I leave them there
32% (20) I untie them
6% (4) They somehow end up back home and don't remember anything
21% (13) They go back home remembering everything
11% (7) They're scared
32% (20) Revenge!
8% (5) They're frustrated
31% (19) They're embarassed
40% (25) They stay
14% (9) Other (describe on next question)

61 voters have answered this question.

For the last question, add details or anything else that would happen after the tickling.

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31 voters have answered this question.

Anything else to add? A roleplay story maybe?

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20 voters have answered this question.

Well, that's all I've got. Any feedback, suggestions or other stuff can go here. Share your fantasy on the message board, if you want. Check out my other polls, rate, and thanks for taking this poll!

49% (30) The poll was excellent!
34% (21) It was good.
8% (5) It was OK, I guess...
6% (4) It could be better.
0% (0) It's TERRIBLE!
21% (13) Make more polls!
0% (0) Don't make any more polls! :(
19% (12) I'd love to tickle you!
22% (14) I'd love to be tickled by you!
0% (0) I hate you...
1% (1) Suggestions, feedback, comments, etc.

61 voters have answered this question.

Oh yeah, one more optional thing. What is your nationality? Just wondering.

60% (37) No thanks.
39% (24) My nationality is...

61 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2014-01-29 07:00:27 by i <3 tickling
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