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Barefoot (Boys only please)

Just some questions about wearing shoes or being barefoot, because I like being barefoot myself but I'm just shy and have a fear of people commenting or just annoying me about it. Answer these, guys, and if you have any other experiences or suggestions, you can talk about them in messages.
In which country do you live?
do you like being barefoot always in your house?
No, I like wearing socks
Don't really pay attention to that
Other (Please explain in the message area)
Do your parents comment on your footwear?
No, they don't care
If you answered the last question by yes, what do they say about your footwear?
Do you like going outside your house barefoot?
If yes, what did most of the people in the street do?
They glanced at my feet grossly
They really didn't care
Other (Please explain in the message area)
Did you ever go to your school barefoot?
If yes, then why?
I like to go there barefoot
I was late and hurried to the school without wearing any footwear
I just forgot to wear them as I'm mostly always barefoot, and when I remembered, I was just too lazy to go back
What did you feel when you went to the school barefoot (If you did)?
Normal, as if there's nothing
If you like going barefoot everywhere, then why?
I was just raised to be barefoot
I feel that my feet are free
I like the feel of the ground on my bare feet
My friends tell me that I look cool when I'm barefoot
I hate shoes and socks, they make me uncomfortable
I hate shoes and socks, they make my feet stink
I hate shoes and socks, they get fungus between my toes
I hate shoes and socks, they hurt me
describe how you feel when you take your socks off after wearing them for sometime
If you went to school barefoot for whatever reason, what did your classmates/ friends do?
They made fun of me/ my feet
They stepped on them (on purpose)
They tickled them
If you went to school barefoot for whatever reason, what did your teachers/ principal do?
They didn't really pay attention
Gave you shoes to wear
Told you to go back to your home, get your shoes and get back to school
Quote some of what your friends/classmates have said when you were barefoot in school (If you were)
Quote some of what your teachers/principal have said when you were barefoot in school (If you were)
When you hang out with your friends, do you like to go barefoot?
If yes, then what do they say? Quote some of what they comment on you being barefoot
Where are the most places outside home that you like to be barefoot in?
Do you get fungus between toes when you wear socks?
Yes, always
No, never
Only if I've been wearing socks for a very long time
Do your feet stink if you wear socks?
Yes, always
No, never
Only if I've been wearing socks for a very long time
Do your feet hurt if you wear shoes/ socks?
Yes, I hate it
Yes, but I don't care
Not too much
No, never felt it
Only when I wear them for a very long time
Do you get embarrassed to take off your socks and show your bare feet in front of people?
If yes, then explain why?
Did your friends ever tie you, take off your shoes and socks by force and tickle your feet for fun?
Yes, I felt embarassed
Yes, but I didn't mind it
If you are in a friend's house, and you feel uncomfortable in shoes and want to take them off, what do you do?
Just take them off
Don't take them off in order not to feel embarrassed
Ask if you can, and act accordingly
If you took your shoes off in your friend's house, but you still feel uncomfortable in socks and want to take them off too, what do you do?
Just take them off
Don't take them off in order not to feel embarrassed
Ask if you can, and act accordingly
For the two previous questions, if your friend says that you can't take your shoes or socks off, what do you do?
If you are barefoot in your friend's house, and his parents or siblings pass by, do they comment on you being barefoot?
If yes, quote some of what they said
What do you think I should do to overcome my shyness of being barefoot?
As this is my first poll, what do you think of it? (And you can suggest some more questions, or just put a comment in messages area)
Great poll
Good poll
Bad poll
Terrible poll
This poll was created on 2014-02-03 17:01:00 by Boyom