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This poll is for straight men only to determine how comfortable they are showering with other guys in a group shower setting. If you are not straight, please do not take this survey.

I have showered around other men before.

20% (74) Yes, with underwear or a swimsuit on.
87% (319) Yes, completely naked.
4% (18) Never.

365 voters have answered this question.

I am:

78% (287) Comfortable being naked around other men.
11% (42) Not comfortable being naked around other men.
7% (27) Comfortable being naked around certain people I know only.
2% (9) Other (Specify)

365 voters have answered this question.

If you aren't comfortable showering naked around other men, it is because:

32% (36) I am self-conscious about my body.
37% (42) I am afraid I will get a boner.
12% (14) I am afraid I will be hit on.
16% (18) It is just gross or too weird for me.
32% (36) I am self-conscious that my penis is too small.
13% (15) I am self-conscious that my penis is too big.
25% (28) Other: Specify

111 voters have answered this question.

If someone got a boner in the shower room, I would:

7% (25) Be uncomfortable and leave.
17% (62) Be uncomfortable but finish my shower anyway.
78% (275) Not care and just keep showering.
15% (56) Other: Specify

351 voters have answered this question.

My age is:

22% (78) 13-17
16% (57) 18-21
24% (87) 22-30
19% (70) 30-40
7% (28) 40-50
9% (32) 50+

352 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2014-02-23 03:31:17 by Poll_dude1111
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