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Social media experiment

I'm using the percentages from this poll for a health project and I need to gather information. Your answers will remain anonymous. These questions will ask some things about your personality or social media use.

How long do you use the social media daily?

16% (2) 0-1
25% (3) 2-4
58% (7) 3-6

12 voters have answered this question.

Do you have a type a or type b personality? Type a:competitive, ambitious, impatient, aggressive, fast talking. Type b:relaxed, non-competitive

0% (0) Type a
33% (4) Type b
66% (8) Somewhere in between

12 voters have answered this question.

Would you describe yourself as a confident person?

41% (5) Yes
58% (7) No

12 voters have answered this question.

Do you feel accomplished and content with your social media progress? (Ex: Instagram or Twitter followers, friends on Facebook, ect.)

16% (2) Yes
41% (5) No
41% (5) It could be better, but I'm content at where I am

12 voters have answered this question.

Do you think social media has effected your confidence level(for the better or worse)?

41% (5) Yes
58% (7) No

12 voters have answered this question.

If answered yes for the previous question, was the change in confidence better or worse than before social media?

33% (4) Better
16% (2) Worse
50% (6) I answered no for the previous question

12 voters have answered this question.

Do you believe social media effects you as a human being?

66% (8) Yes
33% (4) No

12 voters have answered this question.

What social media sites do you use? Check as many as apply.

41% (5) Instagram
58% (7) Twitter
33% (4) Tumblr
66% (8) Facebook
16% (2) MySpace
8% (1) Flickr
25% (3) Vine
33% (4) Snapchat
58% (7) Other

12 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2014-03-15 14:49:58 by Ashley Guiro
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