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Battle of sexes, who wins

Who's the better driver. Women Men

Who is better at cooking. Women Men

0 voters have answered this question.

(Women only) Do you like this true joke. Why did god create man before woman, because your always suppose to create your rough draft first before creating your master piece. Yes No

0 voters have answered this question.

(Women only) In wrestling who do you prefer to beat. Men Women

0 voters have answered this question.

(Women only) When you beat men. What do you most feel. Powerful Happy Glad Joyful Other

0 voters have answered this question.

(Women only) If you seen a man wearing nail vanish and lip stick, how would you feel. Laugh Funny Think he's weird Think he's a weep Think he's strong Other

0 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2014-03-21 10:10:22 by Edd18
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