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Dunk tank (males only)

What is your age?
Have you ever been in a dunk tank?
If you have not been in a dunk tank, what is your reasoning?
I have never had the opprtunity
I can not swim
It is miserable to be the dunkee
I do not like having all of that attention
What was the weather like the day you went in the dunk tank?
the dunk tank was inside
What did the thrower use to dunk you?
How far away was the thrower?
Were you forced to wear what you wanted or did you have to wear what people wanted you to?
wore what I wanted
wore what they wanted me to
What would you wear if you had the choice?
Have you ever been shirtless in the dunk tank?
When you got dunked, how wet did you get?
I stayed standing up so however deep the water was
I got everything wet except for face and hair
I went completely underwater including face and hair
If your entire body went underwater, did you have the choice of how wet you would get?
no, the dunk tank was so deep that I was forced to go underwater
I had the option, but it takes the fun out if I don't go completely underwater
Others told me to go completely underwater
If you got dunked again, would you go completely underwater?
How long were you in the dunk tank for?
one dunk
a predetermined amount of time
a predetermined number of dunks
you stayed in as long as you wanted
If it was the number of dunks, how many dunks were you in there for?
If it was for the amount of time, how long were you in there for?
Has anybody ever run up and pushed the button dunking you without throwing to hit the target?
How did you feel if they ran up and pushed the target?
Have you ever told anybody to run up and push the target so they could dunk you? What was the situation?
What were your thoughts going up the ladder to take a seat before getting dunked?
What were your thoughts after being dunked?
Were you hoping the throw had a specific result?
yes, i hoped the thrower missed often or always
yes, i hoped that i was always dunked
yes, i hoped to be dunked immediately, then have the thrower miss
yes, i hoped to stay dry as long as possible, then after being wet, i did not care if i was dunked again
did you look to see if the throw hit the target?
i wanted to but i could not see it
did not care if i saw it or not
Did bystanders bother you in any way? What were they like? Were they friends?
Did you talk to the throwers at all? If you did, then what did you talk about?
Did you compliment the thrower after dunking you?
Were you bored while sitting on the dunk tank
only when the thrower kept missing
i wanted to get out as soon as possible
Would you go in a dunk tank again?
don't know
Any additional comments
This poll was created on 2014-03-29 23:55:21 by flavio