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Barefeet (GIRLS ONLY)

Questions for girls about barefeet.

How old are you?

38% (45) below 15
39% (46) 15-20
22% (26) above 20

117 voters have answered this question.

You are at a party. You are wearing a dress and high heels and one of the boys asks you to dance with him. Will you dance with your high heels on or take them off and dance barefoot?

80% (94) Dance barefoot
19% (23) Dance with high heels

117 voters have answered this question.

It is summer and you are going over to your friend's house. You are wearing converse and socks, when you enter your friend's house do you...

3% (4) Leave shoes and socks on
30% (36) Take shoes off
65% (77) Take shoes and socks off

117 voters have answered this question.

You and a couple of friends decide to play volleyball in the park. You are all wearing shoes and socks. One friend decides to play barefoot, one plays with shoes off, and one leaves both shoes and socks on. Do you...

74% (87) Play barefoot
12% (15) Play with only socks on
12% (15) Play with shoes and socks on

117 voters have answered this question.

Where are you more likely to take your shoes and socks off?

92% (108) Your own house
68% (80) Someone else's house
44% (52) School
13% (16) Work
69% (81) When walking on grass
74% (87) When walking on sand
14% (17) When walking on snow

117 voters have answered this question.

If you go to a friend's house and your friend is barefoot would that influence you to go barefoot as well?

76% (89) Yes
23% (28) No

117 voters have answered this question.

If one of your friends had a barefeet only rule at his/her house would you still go there?

96% (113) Yes
3% (4) No

117 voters have answered this question.

Do you have a barefeet only rule at your own house?

29% (35) Yes
70% (82) No

117 voters have answered this question.

If yes, why do you have this rule? You may skip this question if you don't have this rule.

No graph available for this question

29 voters have answered this question.

Are you allowed to take your shoes and socks off at school? (Not just P.E.) If you are, do you go barefoot often?

42% (50) I am allowed to and I always do it
24% (29) I am allowed to and I sometimes do it
0% (1) I am allowed to do it but I never do it
31% (37) I am not allowed to do it

117 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2014-04-20 00:46:15 by Mihart
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