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Barefoot (girls)

You and your friend meet up at school and both walk to your friend's house. When you come through the door, your friend takes her shoes off and stays with socks on. You...
Keep shoes on
Take shoes off
Take shoes and socks off
You and your friend are both watching tv and your friend takes her socks off. If you didn't take shoes and socks off before, would you now?
I would keep my shoes on
I would take my shoes off
I would take my shoes and socks off
My shoes were already off
My shoes and socks were already off
You and your friend decide to go to the park. It is a hot summer day. When you reach the park your friend takes her shoes and socks off and walks in the grass barefoot. You...
Keep shoes and socks on
Take shoes off
Take shoes and socks off
You leave your friend's house. You come back a week later and your friend's parents tell you that now they only allow barefeet in the house, because there was a party and everyone eventually took their socks off and they made a mess everywhere so they'd rather have them take their socks off at the door. You must be barefoot to come into the house. You...
Lie about having a foot problem to keep at least socks on
Take your shoes and socks off
Leave the house
Do you take your shoes and socks off at school? If yes, do you get in trouble for doing it?
I do it and I get in trouble
I do it and I don't get in trouble
I don't do it
If you take your shoes and socks off at school, why do you do it?
I can't stand shoes and socks
They got wet so I had to take them off
Teacher or friend made me to
More comfortable
I didn't take shoes and socks off
In the summer, how soon do you take your shoes and socks off in your own house?
When I enter the house
Take shoes off when I enter the house, take socks off later
I don't take them off
In the winter, how soon do you take your shoes and socks off in your own house?
When I enter the house
Take shoes off and keep socks on because it's too cold
Take shoes off when I enter the house, take socks off later
I don't take them off
Do you have a barefeet only rule at your house?
Do any of your friends have a barefeet only rule?
If yes, do you still go to their house and do you like the rule?
I still go to their house and like the rule
I still go to their house but I don't like the rule
I don't go to their house but I like the rule
I don't go to their house and I don't like the rule
My friends don't have this rule
If your friends don't have this rule, do you still go barefoot at their house?
My friends have the rule so yes
Do you think I have a foot fetish? :)
If you said yes, you are correct. Feel free to post messages, and happy barefooting!
This poll was created on 2014-04-20 16:20:22 by Mihart