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TV show Team Wrestling match

If you could see the casts of two of these shows battle it out in a WWE style wrestling match, who would be involved? What would the rules be? You set up the match! I know there are many, many tv shows that could be listed. Feel free to use the "other" box and fill in your own! Possible follow-up polls will be included.

The cast of which show would make up your first team?

3% (1) Vampire Diaries
25% (7) Big Bang Theory
14% (4) Victorious
7% (2) NCIS
0% (0) Once Upon a Time
7% (2) iCarly
7% (2) Glee
0% (0) Degrassi
11% (3) Pretty Little Liars
7% (2) Game of Thrones
3% (1) Hannah Montana
3% (1) Dancing With the Stars
3% (1) Grimm
3% (1) Other

27 voters have answered this question.

The cast of which show would make up your second team?

0% (0) Vampire Diaries
11% (3) Big Bang Theory
3% (1) Victorious
7% (2) NCIS
3% (1) Once Upon a Time
11% (3) iCarly
11% (3) Glee
0% (0) Degrassi
22% (6) Pretty Little Liars
7% (2) Game of Thrones
22% (6) Hannah Montana
0% (0) Dancing with the Stars
0% (0) Grimm
0% (0) Other

27 voters have answered this question.

From team 1, how many people would participate?

0% (0) 1
14% (4) 2
44% (12) 3
14% (4) 4
3% (1) 5
0% (0) 6
11% (3) 7
11% (3) 8+

27 voters have answered this question.

From team 1, the team would be made up of...

11% (3) Guys only
59% (16) Girls only
29% (8) Guys and Girls

27 voters have answered this question.

From team 2, how many people would participate?

3% (1) 1
19% (5) 2
34% (9) 3
23% (6) 4
3% (1) 5
0% (0) 6
15% (4) 7

26 voters have answered this question.

From team 2, the team would be made up of

11% (3) Guys only
51% (14) Girls only
37% (10) Guys and Girls

27 voters have answered this question.

Team 1 would wear

18% (5) Clothes they would wear in the show
18% (5) Athletic wear
40% (11) Spandex and revealing clothes as they would in WWE
22% (6) Other

27 voters have answered this question.

Team 2 would wear

26% (7) Clothes they would wear in the show
7% (2) Clothes they would wear in the show
19% (5) Athletic Wear
26% (7) Spandex and revealing clothes as they would in WWE
19% (5) Other

26 voters have answered this question.

The match type would be (select as many as you want)

19% (5) Tag in rules, no cheating
30% (8) Tag in rules, but with a lot of cheating
57% (15) Elimination style, until only one team has people remaining
23% (6) Everybody in at the same time
46% (12) Match in a regular WWE ring
11% (3) Match outdoors
7% (2) Match in a different location
15% (4) Several one on one matches (tournament style)
7% (2) Other

26 voters have answered this question.

To win or eliminate somebody, what methods are allowed?

42% (11) 3 count pins
11% (3) 5 count pins
34% (9) 10 count wins
46% (12) Submissions
30% (8) Knock outs
7% (2) Cheating elimination
7% (2) Other

26 voters have answered this question.

Would guys be allowed to battle girls?

53% (14) Yes
11% (3) No
15% (4) Yes, my match is guys against girls
19% (5) No, I chose either all guys or all girls for both teams

26 voters have answered this question.

Do you want an even number of people battling at the same time?

46% (12) Yes, try to keep it fair
11% (3) No, I want one of the teams to have more people
34% (9) At the start. Then what ever happens, happens
7% (2) No, but one of the teams needs more people to make it fair.

26 voters have answered this question.

Which team do you think will win?

57% (15) Team 1
26% (7) Team 2
15% (4) Who knows?

26 voters have answered this question.

If you could join team 1 or team 2, which team would you join?

44% (11) Team 1
24% (6) Team 2
32% (8) Keep me out of this!!

25 voters have answered this question.

(If you all guys against all girls) Which team has the advantage?

54% (13) Both teams are even and have the same number of people.
8% (2) The guys team is stronger, but both have the same number of people.
4% (1) The girls team is stronger, but both have the same number of people
4% (1) The teams are even because there are more girls than guys
0% (0) The teams are even because there are more guys than girls
8% (2) The guys team is stronger, they have more people and can team up on the girls
20% (5) The girls team is stronger, they have more people and can team up on the guys

24 voters have answered this question.

Would you fill this out multiple times for new matches?

80% (21) Yep, it was fun
19% (5) No, I am bored

26 voters have answered this question.

Are you male or female?

65% (17) I'm a guy
34% (9) I'm a girl

26 voters have answered this question.

What is your age category?

23% (6) Teen
26% (7) Young Adult
46% (12) Adult
3% (1) Older
0% (0) Younger

26 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2014-04-29 18:13:03 by gerpp
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