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Do you need diapers?

A test to determine if you should/shouldn't wear diapers.

How old are you?

61% (13467) under 18
38% (8423) 18 or older

21890 voters have answered this question.

What is your gender?

65% (14407) Male
34% (7483) Female

21890 voters have answered this question.

How old were you when you were fully toilet trained during the day?

31% (6853) 2-3
27% (5936) 3-4
23% (5172) 4 or older
17% (3929) I've never been fully toilet trained during the day.

21890 voters have answered this question.

How old were you when you were fully toilet trained at night?

15% (3364) 2-3
24% (5416) 3-4
33% (7306) 5 or older
26% (5804) I've never been fully trained at night.

21890 voters have answered this question.

How often do you have day time "accidents?"

10% (2253) Never
10% (2365) Only once in a blue moon.
5% (1289) Once a year maybe?
13% (2950) A few times a year, not a lot.
13% (3039) A couple times a month, it has/is becoming a problem.
14% (3236) A couple times a week, I'm having issues.
16% (3560) Daily or multiple times daily, I have little to no control.
14% (3198) Always, I am fully incontinent.

21890 voters have answered this question.

Why do you think you're having these day time accidents?

12% (2733) I don't have accidents (why are you here? lol).
22% (4905) There was no bathroom readily available and I couldn't hold it.
30% (6657) I always hold it too long and sometimes dribble on the way to the bathroom.
32% (7153) I get the sudden, uncontrollable urge to go and sometimes don't make it.
19% (4175) Sneezing/laughing/exercising causes me to leak a little.
27% (5942) I typically can't feel when I have to go, it just comes out sometimes.
13% (2956) I am 100% incontinent.
3% (666) I am on medication that causes this problem.

21890 voters have answered this question.

When/if you have accidents during the day, how bad are they typically?

10% (2366) I don't have accidents during the day.
12% (2685) Very mild, small dribbling.
11% (2429) Usually just a spurt or 2 if I'm really desperate.
18% (4125) I good bit of leakage, maybe visible on my pants.
15% (3479) A large amount, definitely visible.
31% (6806) I fully empty my bladder when I have accidents.

21890 voters have answered this question.

Do some of your accidents happen at work/school/while you're out?

43% (9547) Some of them
18% (4156) Most of them
16% (3684) All of them
20% (4503) I don't have this problem.

21890 voters have answered this question.

Do you think you would benefit from wearing diapers during the day?

14% (3238) I already wear diapers for daytime protection.
9% (2129) I sometimes wear diapers during the day, just in case.
26% (5866) I think I should wear diapers during the day, all day.
14% (3066) I probably should wear diapers all day but I don't want to.
18% (3971) I think I should wear diapers during the day sometimes, under special circumstances such as traveling.
16% (3620) I don't need/want to wear diapers during the day.

21890 voters have answered this question.

Do you have accidents at night, bedwetting?

15% (3459) I don't
16% (3529) Rarely, if I've slept too deeply or take certain medication.
12% (2771) Every now and then (1-2 times a month)
6% (1521) A few times a month, it's becoming an issue.
10% (2380) A few times a week, I have a 50% chance of waking up wet.
10% (2372) More often than not, rarely a dry night.
26% (5859) All the time/every night, I have no night time control.

21891 voters have answered this question.

Why do you think you're having these accidents at night?

17% (3881) I don't have accidents at night.
24% (5292) I don't go to the bathroom before bed/sleep with a full bladder.
24% (5350) I drink too much fluid before bed.
5% (1103) I drink too much alcohol (woohoo!)
28% (6159) I am a deep sleeper and it's hard for me to wake up.
27% (6019) I have poor bladder control and can't hold it while sleeping.
17% (3749) My body produces too much urine at night.
20% (4394) I am completely incontinent at night/have no control.
3% (749) I am on medication that causes this problem.

21892 voters have answered this question.

Do you think you would benefit from wearing diapers at night?

23% (5110) I already wear diapers at night.
9% (1963) I sometimes wear at night, just in case.
29% (6474) I think I should wear diapers to bed every night.
12% (2658) I probably should wear diapers at night but I don't want to.
10% (2211) I think I should wear diapers some night, under special circumstances.
15% (3282) I don't think I need diapers at night.

21698 voters have answered this question.

How do you feel after you've had an accident, day or night?

51% (11255) Ashamed/embarrassed
23% (5200) Surprised/startled
15% (3398) Sad/upset
5% (1250) Angry
25% (5661) Happy/excited
14% (3100) Not surprised, I am incontinent.
6% (1339) I don't have accidents.

21890 voters have answered this question.

On a scale of 1-5, how badly do you think you need to wear diapers?

12% (2712) 1
11% (2533) 2
22% (4898) 3
15% (3432) 4
37% (8315) 5

21890 voters have answered this question.

If you were told you needed to wear diapers how would you feel?

14% (3175) Sad/upset
41% (9090) Ashamed/embarrassed
41% (9088) Happy/excited
22% (4852) Surprised
15% (3319) Not surprised, I already wear them.

21891 voters have answered this question.

How much do your accidents bother you?

13% (2849) A lot, it severely hinders my quality of life.
9% (1990) They bother me quite a bit/dictate things I can and can't do.
26% (5721) They are a pretty big inconvenience and an embarrassment.
20% (4494) I don't feel one way or another about them.
23% (5140) I enjoy them/want more of them.
7% (1696) I don't have them.

21890 voters have answered this question.

If you started wearing diapers, who would you tell?

29% (6474) Parents/family members
23% (5173) Boyfriend/girlfriend
12% (2721) Friends
2% (535) Co-workers
47% (10419) No one
8% (1773) Everyone
19% (4170) Doctor

21890 voters have answered this question.

Does anyone know about your accidents? If so, what is their reaction?

27% (6019) They are comforting and supportive.
18% (3953) They don't have much of a reaction.
10% (2394) They are mean and judgemental about it.
6% (1437) They like it.
36% (8089) Don't have this problem.

21892 voters have answered this question.

Has anyone suggested you wear diapers to combat your problem? If so, who?

18% (4038) Doctor
22% (4863) Parents/family
14% (3182) Boyfriend/girlfriend
11% (2537) Friends
4% (911) Co-workers
59% (12919) No one has said anything.

21890 voters have answered this question.

Alright, all done! Good luck on your results! Did you enjoy this test?

88% (19389) Yes
11% (2504) No

21893 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2014-05-19 01:15:33 by his_abdl
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