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Going barefoot at school

Title explains it
Do you ever take your shoes and socks off at school?
If you do, does your school allow barefeet?
There is actually a rule requiring everyone to go barefoot
There is no rule against it
There is no rule against it but the teachers don't like it
There is a rule against it but I manage to get around that
How soon after you arrive do you take your shoes and socks off
I actually walk to school barefoot
I take them off in the car/bus
It's the first thing I do when I enter the school
I do it in a class
I do it at lunch
Where do you put your shoes and socks after you've taken them off?
Silly, I walk to school barefoot!
I carry them around with me
I leave them in the car/bus
I leave them in my locker
Do you do P.E. barefoot?
Yes, everyone has to go barefoot for it
No, it requires shoes and socks
It requires shoes and socks but I make up excuses to go barefoot
Do you do Drama barefoot?
Yes, everyone has to go barefoot for it
No, it requires shoes and socks
It requires shoes and socks but I make up excuses to go barefoot
Do you get any comments from people about your barefeet?
"Why are you barefoot?"
"Where are your socks?"
"Put some shoes on!"
None of these
When you go to school in the winter do you still go barefoot?
Yes, I can't wait for the moment to take off those snowy boots and hateful socks!
No, I keep my footwear on because my feet get too cold
Does anyone else in your class, or school, go barefoot?
No, just me
Yes, one other person
Yes, a few people
Yes, most people
Yes, everyone
Why do you go barefoot at school?
School has carpet floors so it only made sense to go barefoot
School has cold tile floor but I love the feeling under my bare soles
School makes me
Footwear got wet/messy
Footwear is just not comfortable to me
This poll was created on 2014-07-04 06:51:21 by canadiangurl941