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Barefoot house rules

And exceptions for those rules
Do you have a "shoes and socks off" rule at your house?
No (stop here)
How strict are these rules?
Very strict
Somewhat strict
Not that strict
Where are the shoes and socks supposed to be removed?
Before someone enters the house
At the door
In a room
What do you do with the shoes and socks after their owner took them off?
Leave them alone
Throw them away
Lock them someplace
If somebody came by for only a few minutes would they still be required to go barefoot?
If it's only for a few minutes they can keep shoes and socks on
They need to take shoes off at least
They can keep socks on if they are clean
They still have to go barefoot
If somebody came by and said that their feet for really cold when they were bare what would you do?
Allow person to keep socks
Allow person to keep socks but only if they are clean
Make person to take socks off
Tell person to leave
A girl comes by and you ask her to take her socks off. She does and then she take out a pair of clean socks out of her purse and puts them on explaining that she was uncomfortable when she was barefoot. What do you do?
Allow person to keep socks
Tell person that it doesn't matter that the socks are clean, everyone in your house must be barefoot
Tell person to leave
If a person said that they had a foot disease what would you do?
Check and see of the person wasn't lying
Allow person to keep socks
Make person go barefoot anyway
Tell person to leave
Do you make people go barefoot in the winter?
No, people's feet get too cold
Yes, it doesn't matter if it's cold, barefeet only
Why do you have this rule?
This poll was created on 2014-07-05 07:32:53 by canadiangurl941