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You and some of your friends have managed to capture a slightly older boy who has been a little mean to you and said some things which have hurt your feelings. Now you have the opportunity to get some revenge. What will you do? Please be as detailed as the question allows for.
A few starting details: Your age
under 13 (you might be a little young to take this poll)
13 - 15
16 - 18
19 - 21
Over 21 actual age
Your gender
Your friends that help you: Gender, age, and number
Boys under 13
Girls under 13
Boys 13 - 15
Girls 13 - 15
Boys 16 - 18
Girls 16 - 18
boys 19 - 21
Girls 19 - 21
Boys over 21
Girls over 21
Your victim
boy 13 - 15
boy 16 -18
boy 19 - 21
boy over 21 (actual age)
How long you are able to hold him captive for
1 to 2 hours
2 to 5 hours
5 to 10 hours
10 to 20 hours
one day
more than one day (say how long)
Where you will keep the boy captive
in the forest
in a deserted building
the basement of your house
a room in an apartment block
a cage (where)
somewhere else not mentioned (please describe)
How will you restrain the boy?
other (please describe)
Describe how the boy will be kept e.g. hog tied, loose in a cage, shackled to a tree etc. Give as much detail as you would like to.
Describe how you will keep the boy dressed - e.g. fully clothed, shirtless, barefoot etc. give details
Describe what you would do to gain your revenge for what he has done to you. e.g. taunt him with his own words, beat or whip him, starve him etc. Give details but remember what time limit you have him for.
Describe what you would do or how you would release him. e.g. untie him and leave him in the woods to find his own way home; leave him cuffed beside the road etc. give details please.
Please add anything else you would like that you think I have missed and thank you for taking my poll
This poll was created on 2014-07-06 07:10:03 by lemeatit