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Kids who are spanked for everything except punishment.

This is another follow up poll aimed at kids. I want a kids point of view. Assume your parents did not spank you for punishment. They only use none physical punishments. However they love spanking you for fun. Your bottom is their plaything. Whenever you make a minor mistake or forget something trivial your parents joke about how you need to be spanked for it. Your parents playfully swat your bottom almost every day either as motivation to run along, 'Just in case!' or simply because they feel like it. Your parents motto's are:- 'All kids get their bottoms spanked by their parents' and 'You are never to big to put over my knee!'

What age and sex are you?

3% (27) Male under 10
2% (19) Male 10
4% (33) Male 11
6% (53) Male 12
3% (27) Male 13
7% (55) Male 14
5% (40) Male 15
3% (29) Male 16
3% (26) Male 17
1% (15) Male 18
13% (104) Male 18+
3% (27) Girl under 10.
3% (24) Female 10
2% (19) Female 11
6% (53) Female 12
5% (43) Female 13
6% (50) Female 14
4% (32) Female 15
4% (34) Female 16
2% (16) Female 17
1% (12) Female 18
5% (47) Female 18+

785 voters have answered this question.

Have your parents ever spanked you for fun?

11% (87) Preteen Boys. Yes and I enjoy it. :)
4% (35) Preteen boys. Yes but I would rather they didn't.
2% (16) Preteen boys. No but I wish they would.
1% (15) Preteen boys. No and I do not want to have my bottom spanked.
11% (94) Preteen girls. Yes and I enjoy it. :)
3% (30) Preteen girls. Yes but I would rather they didn't.
1% (9) Preteen girls. No but I wish they would.
0% (5) Preteen girls. No and I do not want to have my bottom spanked.
12% (100) Teenage boys. Yes and I enjoyed it. :)
3% (29) Teenage boys. Yes but I would rather they didn't.
4% (36) Teenage boys. No but I wish they would.
1% (11) Teenage boys. No and I do not want to have my bottom spanked.
14% (113) Teenage girls. Yes and I enjoyed it. :)
6% (52) Teenage girls. Yes but I would rather they didn't.
1% (14) Teenage girls. No but I wish they would.
0% (4) Teenage girls. No and I do not want to have my bottom spanked.
4% (32) Over 18 males. Yes they did and I enjoyed it.
1% (9) Over 18 males. Yes they did but I didn't enjoy it.
3% (26) Over 18 males. No but I wish they would have when I was a kid.
2% (20) Over 18 males. No they didn't and I did not want to be spanked by my parents.
3% (26) Over 18 females. Yes they did and I Loved it!
1% (13) Over 18 females. Yes they did but I didn't enjoy it.
0% (6) Over 18 females. No. I really wish my parents had spanked me when I was a kid.
0% (3) Over 18 females. No they didn't and I did not want to be spanked by my parents.

785 voters have answered this question.

Should a parent be able to swat their own kids bottoms whenever they like for any reason if they want to? (They are not angry with you they just want to spank you)

34% (269) Under 18 boys. Yes.
6% (48) Under 18 boys. No.
34% (270) Under 18 girls. Yes.
4% (36) Under 18 girls. No.
8% (70) Males 18+. Yes.
3% (26) Males 18+. No.
6% (54) Females 18+. Yes.
1% (12) Females 18+. No.

785 voters have answered this question.

Preteen boys. You accidentally do something stupid (but not naughty) and your parents decide they are going to spank you. Do you:-

40% (135) You immediately place yourself over you parents lap and present your bottom to your parents for a spanking.
35% (118) You pretend to refuse. You actually want them to drag you over their knee and hold you down while they give your bottom a spanking.
24% (83) You genuinely protest that it is not fair but they hold you down and spank your bottom anyway.

336 voters have answered this question.

Preteen girls. You accidentally do something stupid (but not naughty) and your parents decide they are going to spank you. Do you:-

46% (135) You immediately place yourself over you parents lap and present your bottom to your parents for a spanking.
34% (100) You pretend to refuse. You actually want them to drag you over their knee and hold you down while they give your bottom a spanking.
19% (58) You genuinely protest that it is not fair but they hold you down and spank your bottom anyway.

293 voters have answered this question.

Teenage boys. You accidentally do something stupid (but not naughty) and your parents decide they are going to spank you. Do you:-

40% (120) You immediately place yourself over you parents lap and present your bottom to your parents for a spanking.
37% (112) You pretend to refuse. You actually want them to drag you over their knee and hold you down while they give your bottom a spanking.
21% (63) You genuinely protest that it is not fair but they hold you down and spank your bottom anyway.

295 voters have answered this question.

Teenage girls. You accidentally do something stupid (but not naughty) and your parents decide they are going to spank you. Do you:-

45% (132) You immediately place yourself over you parents lap and present your bottom to your parents for a spanking.
36% (108) You pretend to refuse. You actually want them to drag you over their knee and hold you down while they give your bottom a spanking.
18% (53) You genuinely protest that it is not fair but they hold you down and spank your bottom anyway.

293 voters have answered this question.

Over 18 males. Assume you were still a kid and you accidentally do something stupid (but not naughty) and your parents decide they are going to spank you. Do you:-

42% (89) You immediately place yourself over you mums lap and present your bottom to her for a spanking.
28% (61) You pretend to refuse. You actually want your mum to drag you over her knee and hold you down while she gives your bottom a spanking.
28% (61) You genuinely protest that it is not fair but they hold you down and spank your bottom anyway.

211 voters have answered this question.

Over 18 females. Assume you were still a little girl and you accidentally did something very stupid (but not really naughty) and your parents decide they are going to spank you. Do you:-

57% (100) You immediately place yourself over you dads lap and present your bottom to him for a spanking.
26% (46) You pretend to refuse. You actually want your dad to drag you over his knee and hold you down while he gives your bottom a sound spanking.
16% (28) You genuinely protest that it is not fair but your parents hold you down and spank your bottom anyway.

174 voters have answered this question.

Your parents decide to pull your pants/panties down and they both spank you over their knee on your bare bottom.

15% (125) Preteen boys. I should be spanked on my bare bottom.
3% (27) Preteen boys. They should not pull my pants down I should be spanked over my clothes.
15% (122) Preteen girls. I should be spanked on my bare bottom.
1% (15) Preteen girls. They should not pull my knickers down I should be spanked over my clothes.
20% (161) Teenage boys. I should be spanked on my bare bottom.
1% (11) Teenage boys. They should not pull my pants down I should be spanked over my clothes.
20% (158) Teenage girls. I should be spanked on my bare bottom.
2% (20) Teenage girls. They should not pull my knickers/panties down I should be spanked over my clothes.
10% (81) 18+ males. I should be spanked on my bare bottom. (you are still a kid remember)
1% (8) 18+ males. They should not pull my pants down I should be spanked over my clothes.
6% (52) 18+ females. I should be spanked on my bare bottom. (you are still a little girl remember)
0% (5) 18+ females. They should not pull my knickers/panties down I should be spanked over my clothes.

785 voters have answered this question.

How hard should your parents spank you in this scenario.

3% (27) Girls. light, just a few swats.
11% (89) Girls. Moderate.
13% (104) Girls. Hard so your bottom is very sore.
20% (158) Girls. Very hard! As if you were really being punished.
4% (36) Boys. light, just a few swats.
13% (104) Boys. Moderate.
12% (98) Boys. Hard so your bottom is very sore.
21% (169) Boys. Very hard! As if you were really being punished.

785 voters have answered this question.

Males. After your bare bottom spanking is over your parents hug you and tell you how much they love you and say you are very good for taking all your spankings. You bottom is bright red and very sore. Do you say to them:-

41% (190) "Please don't spank me so hard next time!"
27% (126) "I love it when you spank me."
30% (141) "Can you spank me harder next time?"

457 voters have answered this question.

Females. After your bare bottom spanking is over your parents hug you and tell you how much they love you and say you are a very good girl for taking all your spankings. Your bottom is bright red and very sore. Do you say to them:-

37% (156) "Please don't spank me so hard next time!"
31% (132) "I love it when you spank me."
30% (126) "Can you spank me harder next time?"

414 voters have answered this question.

Preteen boys. You have your friends round at your house. Your mum says it is time for your daily spanking. How should your mum be permitted to spank you in front of your friends. You will not be spanked hard but your friends will get to see you get your bottom spanked.

5% (14) Spanked stood up fully clothed.
5% (15) Spanked over your mums knee fully clothed.
10% (28) Spanked over your mums on your underpants. (Pants down.)
63% (170) Spanked over your mums knee bare bottomed. (pants and underpants down.)
29% (78) I should not be spanked in front of my friends it is embarrassing.

267 voters have answered this question.

Teenage boys. You have your friends round at your house. Your mum says it is time for your daily spanking. How should your mum be permitted to spank you in front of your friends. You will not be spanked hard but your friends will get to see you get your bottom spanked.

4% (13) Spanked stood up fully clothed.
4% (15) Spanked over your mums knee fully clothed.
11% (36) Spanked over your mums on your underpants. (Pants down.)
61% (193) Spanked over your mums knee bare bottomed. (pants and underpants down.)
22% (70) I should not be spanked in front of my friends it is embarrassing.
16% (52) It is OK for parents to do this with little kids (ie preteens) but not with teenagers.

315 voters have answered this question.

Preteen girls. You have your friends round at your house. Your parents say it is time for your daily spanking. How should your mum or dad be permitted to spank you in front of your friends. You will not be spanked hard but your friends will get to see you get your bottom spanked.

2% (7) Spanked stood up fully clothed.
6% (16) Spanked over the knee fully clothed.
17% (45) Spanked over the knee on your knickers/panties.
73% (191) Spanked over the knee bare bottomed.
15% (41) I should not be spanked in front of my friends it is embarrassing.

260 voters have answered this question.

Teenage girls. You have your friends round at your house. Your parents say it is time for your daily spanking. How should your dad be permitted to spank you in front of your friends. You will not be spanked hard but your friends will get to see you get your bottom spanked.

5% (16) Spanked stood up fully clothed.
7% (22) Spanked over the knee fully clothed.
13% (43) Spanked over the knee on your knickers/panties.
72% (224) Spanked over the knee bare bottomed.
14% (46) I should not be spanked in front of my friends it is embarrassing.
11% (35) It is OK for parents to do this with little kids (ie preteens) but not with teenagers.

309 voters have answered this question.

Which group would you say it is LEAST acceptable for a parent to give a bare bottom spanking to in front of their friends. (Even if you think it is perfectly fine for all kids to be spanked on the bare by their parents in front of their friends.)

10% (84) Preteen boys.
42% (334) Teenage boys.
11% (88) Preteen girls.
35% (279) Teenage girls.

785 voters have answered this question.

Which group would you say it is Most acceptable for a parent to give a bare bottom spanking to in front of their friends. (Even if you think it is perfectly fine for all kids to be spanked on the bare by their parents in front of their friends, or if you would never spank any of your kids in front of their friends.)

33% (262) Preteen boys.
16% (133) Teenage boys.
30% (237) Preteen girls.
19% (153) Teenage girls.

785 voters have answered this question.

Males. 1 of your parents decides to put you over their knee for a bare bottom spanking right in front of 1 of your best friends.

35% (160) It would be more embarrassing being spanked by my mum than my dad.
13% (60) It would be more embarrassing being spanked by my dad than my mum.
10% (47) It would be more embarrassing being spanked in front of 1 of my male mates than a girl.
35% (158) It would be more embarrassing being spanked in front of a girl than 1 of my male mates.
30% (135) I would feel less embarrassed if my male friend asked my parent to spank his bare bottom too.
22% (101) I would feel less embarrassed if my female friend asked my parent to spank her bare bottom too.
23% (105) I would prefer to be spanked along with a girl than a boy.
26% (119) I would prefer to be spanked along with a boy than a girl.
34% (155) It would be embarrassing to have my bare bottom spanked in front of any of my friends regardless of what they thought.
17% (79) I would not feel the slightest bit embarrassed at being spanked in front of my friends.

447 voters have answered this question.

Females. 1 of your parents decides to put you over their knee for a bare bottom spanking right in front of 1 of your best friends.

18% (72) It would be more embarrassing being spanked by my mum than my dad.
31% (124) It would be more embarrassing being spanked by my dad than my mum.
45% (177) It would be more embarrassing being spanked in front of 1 of my male friends than a girl.
6% (26) It would be more embarrassing being spanked in front of 1 of my female friends than 1 of my male friends.
21% (86) I would feel less embarrassed if my male friend asked my parent to spank his bare bottom too.
38% (150) I would feel less embarrassed if my female friend asked my parent to spank her bare bottom too.
36% (144) I would prefer to be spanked along with a girl than a boy.
16% (65) I would prefer to be spanked along with a boy than a girl.
33% (131) It would be embarrassing to have my bare bottom spanked in front of any of my friends regardless of what they thought.
27% (109) I would not feel the slightest bit embarrassed having my bare bottom spanked in front of my friends.

391 voters have answered this question.

Your parents have all their relatives over. Aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents. Your dad grabs you, tucks you under his arm and marches you up to all of them in turn and says "Penny a smack!" and they all give your bottom a smack.

14% (111) Preteen boys. Sounds like fun. :)
12% (101) Preteen girls. Sounds like fun. :)
14% (116) Teenage boys. Sounds like fun. :)
16% (129) Teenage girls. Sounds like fun. :)
6% (51) Males 18+. Sounds like fun I'd love to be that kid. :)
5% (45) Females 18+. Sounds like fun. I would love it if that had happened to me when I was a little girl.
6% (48) Preteen boys. I would not want to have my bottom smacked by every member of my family.
4% (34) Preteen girls. I would not want to have my bottom smacked by every member of my family.
5% (46) Teenage boys. I would not want to have my bottom smacked by every member of my family.
6% (54) Teenage girls. I would not want to have my bottom smacked by every member of my family.
4% (37) Males 18+. I would not want to have my bottom smacked by every member of my family.
1% (13) Females 18+. I would not want to have my bottom smacked by every member of my family.

785 voters have answered this question.

1 of them pulls your pants down to smack you on your bare bottom.

13% (106) Preteen boys. I don't mind. I wanted them to pull my pants down. :)
12% (96) Preteen girls. I don't mind. I want them to pull my panties down. :)
13% (103) Teenage boys. I don't mind. I wanted them to pull my pants down. :)
15% (122) Teenage girls. I don't mind. I want them to pull my panties down. :)
6% (54) Males 18+. I don't mind. I wanted them to pull my pants down. :)
5% (43) Females 18+. I don't mind. I would want them to pull my panties down. :)
6% (52) Preteen boys. I would not want every member of my family to see my bare bottom.
5% (42) Preteen girls. I would not want every member of my family to see my bare bottom.
7% (59) Teenage boys. I would not want every member of my family to see my bare bottom.
7% (58) Teenage girls. I would not want every member of my family to see my bare bottom.
4% (35) Males 18+. I would not want every member of my family to see my bare bottom.
1% (15) Females 18+. I would not want every member of my family to see my bare bottom.

785 voters have answered this question.

The next time the family comes round your parents snatch up your sister instead of you. They bend her over, lift up her skirt remove her knickers and hold her in place while everyone enjoys smacking her bottom bright red and making her yelp with pain. How do you feel now that your bottom is not the center of attention any more?

14% (114) Preteen boys. "I am happy to watch my sister getting spanked instead of me. I hope her bottom is very sore and I get to spank her too." :)
10% (80) Preteen girls. "I am happy to watch my sister getting spanked instead of me. I hope her bottom is very sore and I get to spank her too." :)
11% (90) Teenage boys. "I am happy to watch my sister getting spanked instead of me. I hope her bottom is very sore and I get to spank her too." :)
14% (117) Teenage girls. "I am happy to watch my sister getting spanked instead of me. I hope her bottom is very sore and I get to spank her too." :)
6% (52) Males 18+. "I am happy to watch my sister getting spanked instead of me. I hope her bottom is very sore and I get to spank her too." :)
3% (27) Females 18+. "I am happy to watch my sister getting spanked instead of me. I hope her bottom is very sore and I get to spank her too." :)
5% (45) Preteen boys. You feel left out. You wanted to have your bottom spanked.
6% (54) Preteen girls. You feel left out. You wanted to have your bottom spanked.
9% (76) Teenage boys. You feel left out. You wanted to have your bottom spanked.
8% (66) Teenage girls. You feel left out. You wanted to have your bottom spanked.
5% (40) Males 18+. You feel left out. You wanted to have your bottom spanked.
3% (25) Females 18+. You feel left out. You wanted to have your bottom spanked.

786 voters have answered this question.

Males only. When you were younger your parents used to swat your bottom every time they met you, hugged, kissed you, or you turned round or when you even walked passed them. They said it was their way of showing that they loved you. The many 'love pats' on your bottom never really hurt that much but as you got older they swatted your bottom less and less often. How do you feel about this?

23% (96) Males. I am glad. I don't want my mum or dad touching my bottom all the time.
34% (141) Males. I miss it. Its fun getting a friendly swat on the bottom from my mum.
26% (108) Males. I miss it. I would ask my mum if she would start spanking me again because I really enjoyed it.
27% (113) Males. Now I am older I would ask my mum to start spanking me again but spank me much harder.
21% (86) Males. The more you are spanked the more you are loved, the harder you are spanked the more the spanker cares. Your mum offers to show you how much she loves and cares for you. You say only if you can do the same for her. She agrees.
31% (127) Males. I would like my mum to use an implement on my bottom.
9% (37) Males. I would like to use an implement on my mums bottom.
25% (102) Males. A son should never spank his mum but she can still spank him.

405 voters have answered this question.

All Females same question.

15% (62) I am glad. I don't want my mum or dad touching my bottom all the time.
31% (122) I miss it. Its fun getting a friendly swat on the bottom from my mum and dad.
32% (125) I miss it. I would ask my mum if she would start spanking me again because I really enjoyed it.
35% (138) I miss it. I would ask my dad if he would start spanking me again because I really enjoyed it.
34% (134) Now I am older I would ask my mum to start spanking me again but spank me much harder than she used to.
34% (135) Now I am older I would ask my dad to start spanking me again but I want him to spank me much harder than he used to.
27% (107) The more you are spanked the more you are loved, the harder you are spanked the more the spanker cares. You tell your mum how much you miss the loving spankings she used to give you. Your mum offers to show you how much she still loves and cares for you. You say only if you can do the same for her. She agrees.
38% (148) I would like my mum to use an implement on my bottom.
36% (142) I would like my dad to use an implement on my bottom.
10% (40) I would like to use an implement on my mums bottom.
28% (112) A daughter should never spank her parents but they can still spank her.

389 voters have answered this question.

Preteen boys. If you were over your parents lap and they were having fun spanking you but you didn't want to be spanked what would you do?

66% (181) "Nothing. I would just accept my spanking."
18% (51) "I Complain and they tell me don't be so soft!"
14% (40) "If I asked them to stop then they would."

272 voters have answered this question.

Preteen girls. If you were over your parents lap and they were having fun spanking you but you didn't want to be spanked what would you do?

74% (185) "Nothing. I would accept my spanking and take it like a lady."
14% (35) "I Complain and they tell me don't be so soft!"
11% (28) "If I asked them to stop then they would."

248 voters have answered this question.

Teenage boys. If you were over your parents lap and they were having fun spanking you but you didn't want to be spanked what would you do?

67% (191) "Nothing. I would just accept my spanking."
19% (56) "I Complain and they tell me don't be so soft!"
13% (38) "If I asked them to stop then they would."

285 voters have answered this question.

Teenage girls. If you were over your parents lap and they were having fun spanking you but you didn't want to be spanked what would you do?

73% (204) "Nothing. I would accept my spanking and take it like a lady."
20% (56) "I Complain and they tell me don't be so soft!"
6% (18) "If I asked them to stop then they would."

278 voters have answered this question.

Male 18+. Assuming you were still a kid if you were over your parents lap and they were having fun spanking you but you didn't want to be spanked what would you do?

64% (118) "Nothing. I would just accept my spanking."
17% (32) "I Complain and they tell me don't be so soft!"
18% (34) "If I asked them to stop then they would."

184 voters have answered this question.

Females 18+. Assuming you were a little girl and you were face down, bare bottomed over your parents lap and they were having fun spanking you but you didn't want to be spanked what would you do?

77% (122) "Nothing. I would accept my spanking and take it like a lady."
15% (24) "I Complain and they tell me don't be so soft!"
7% (11) "If I asked them to stop then they would."

157 voters have answered this question.

Under 18 boys. If you were over your parents lap and they were having fun spanking you but you thought they were spanking you too hard, what would you do?

25% (90) "Nothing. I would just accept my spanking. I'm sure I deserved it."
36% (127) "Nothing. My parents can decide how hard they want to spank me. I don't care how painful or sore my bottom is because I know they love me."
13% (46) "I'd Complain and they just tell me don't be so soft and continue to spank me!"
10% (37) "If they spanked me too hard and I asked them to stop then they would. I know they wouldn't really hurt me regardless of how red they like my bottom to be."
4% (17) "They would stop if I started crying."
9% (34) "I would struggle and try to escape."

351 voters have answered this question.

Under 18 girls. If you were face down over your parents lap and they were having fun spanking your bare bottom but you thought they were spanking you too hard, what would you do?

36% (125) "Nothing. I would accept my spanking and take it like a lady no matter how painful it was. I'm sure I deserved it. I should be spanked very hard"
35% (120) "Nothing. My parents can decide how hard they want to spank me. I don't care how painful or sore my bottom gets because no matter how hard they spank me I know that they love me."
11% (38) "I'd Complain and they just tell me don't be so soft and continue to spank me!"
7% (24) "If they spanked me too hard and I asked them to stop then they would. I know they wouldn't really hurt me regardless of how red they like my bottom to be."
3% (12) "They would stop if I started crying."
6% (22) "I would struggle and try to escape."

341 voters have answered this question.

Over 18 males. Assume you are 12. You are over your parents lap and they are having fun spanking you but they are spanking you too hard, what would you do?

26% (55) "Nothing. I accept my spanking."
33% (68) "Nothing. Parents can decide how hard they want to spank their kids. They can spank me as had as they like."
15% (31) "I'd Complain but they would just tell me don't be so soft and continue to spank me!"
12% (25) "If they spanked me too hard and I asked them to stop then they would."
4% (10) "They would stop if I started crying."
8% (17) "I would struggle and try to escape."

206 voters have answered this question.

Over 18 females. Assume you are 12 years old. If you were face down over your parents lap and they were having fun spanking your bare bottom but you thought they were spanking you too hard, what would you do?

34% (59) "Nothing. I would accept my spanking and take it like a lady no matter how painful it was. I deserve it. I should have my bare bottom spanked very hard."
24% (42) "Nothing. My parents can decide how hard they want to spank me. I don't care how painful or sore my bottom gets because no matter how hard they spank me I know that they love me."
6% (12) "I'd Complain but they would just tell me don't be so soft and continue to spank me!"
6% (12) "If they spanked me too hard and I asked them to stop then they would. I know they wouldn't really hurt me regardless of how red they like my bottom to be."
4% (8) "They would stop if I started crying."
5% (10) "I would struggle and try to escape."
17% (30) "I would cry and I would struggle but if my parents stopped the spanking and let me up I would ask them to continue spanking me until I go completely limp and I would thank them for it afterwards. Every girls bottom should experience a severe thrashing whether she is a good girl or a bad girl.

173 voters have answered this question.

Under 18s. Would you spank your kids for fun simply because you enjoy it?

56% (325) Yes I would. There is nothing wrong with parents giving their kids friendly swats on their bottoms.
24% (141) Yes I would. The reason grown ups have kids is so they can spank them!
46% (267) Yes. But I would also spank them to discipline them.
16% (97) Yes and I would let them spank me as well.
11% (69) I would enjoy spanking my sons more than my daughters.
29% (168) I would enjoy spanking my daughters more than my sons (little girls need to be spanked more)
38% (224) Yes. All kids should experience a bottom warming.
20% (117) Yes. Because I wish my parents would spank me a lot more and I am never given the spankings that I know I need.
35% (208) Yes because I would not want my kids to be scared or embarrassed when they are told to pull their pants down for bare bottom spanking. I want my kids to take their spankings with obedience bravery and dignity. All kids should present their bottoms to their parents willingly every time they are asked.
9% (55) No. But I would discipline them by spanking them.
6% (36) No. I would not spank my kids at all.
7% (44) No. But if my kids told me that would like to be spanked then I would give them any spankings that they asked for.

579 voters have answered this question.

Males 18+. Whether or not you are a parent. Is it OK for parents to enjoy having fun spanking their own kids bottoms providing that they are not hurting their kids in any way?

54% (109) Yes. There is nothing wrong with parents giving their kids friendly swats on their bottoms.
50% (101) Yes. And it is OK for parents to spank their kids bottoms to discipline them as well.
17% (35) Yes and there is nothing wrong with parents letting their kids spank them. I would let them spank me as well.
17% (35) I would enjoy spanking my sons more than my daughters.
22% (46) I would enjoy spanking my daughters more than my sons (little girls need to be spanked more)
35% (71) Yes. All kids should experience a bottom warming.
20% (42) Yes. Because I wish my parents would have spanked me a lot more. I was never given the spankings that I know I needed so I will spank my kids they way I know that I would have wanted my parents to spank me.
32% (66) Yes because I would not want my kids to be scared or embarrassed when they are told to pull their pants down for bare bottom spanking. I want my kids to take their spankings with obedience bravery and dignity. All kids should present their bottoms to their parents willingly every time they are asked.
9% (19) No. But I would discipline them by spanking them.
7% (15) No. I would not spank my kids at all.
6% (13) No. But if my kids told me that would like to be spanked then I would give them any spankings that they asked for.

201 voters have answered this question.

Females 18+. Whether or not you are a parent. Is it OK for parents to enjoy having fun spanking their own kids bottoms providing that they are not hurting their kids in any way?

56% (93) Yes. There is nothing wrong with parents giving their kids friendly swats on their bottoms.
49% (82) Yes. And it is OK for parents to spank their kids bottoms to discipline them as well.
25% (42) Yes and there is nothing wrong with parents letting their kids spank them. I would let them spank me as well to show them how they should behave during a spanking.
10% (17) I would enjoy spanking my sons more than my daughters.
36% (61) I would enjoy spanking my daughters more than my sons (little girls need to be spanked more)
40% (67) Yes. All kids should experience a bottom warming.
26% (44) Yes. Because I wish my parents would have spanked me a lot more. I was never given the spankings that I know I needed so I will spank my kids they way I know that I would have wanted my parents to spank me.
33% (55) Yes because I would not want my kids to be scared or embarrassed when they are told to pull their pants down for bare bottom spanking. I want my kids to take their spankings with obedience bravery and dignity. All kids should present their bottoms to their parents willingly every time they are asked.
7% (13) No. But I would discipline them by spanking them.
3% (6) No. I would not spank my kids at all.
6% (11) No. But if my kids told me that would like to be spanked then I would give them any spankings that they asked for.

166 voters have answered this question.

Your bottom is always red from your many spankings. Your bottom is often throbbing but never excruciatingly painful are you happy that your bottom makes your parents so happy?

54% (427) Yes. All kids should be given bottom warming's by their parents.
20% (160) Yes. If my bottom ever feels like it has been set on fire then cold water puts it out.
51% (407) Yes. I enjoy being spanked.
50% (397) Yes. I enjoy having my bottom bared.
44% (349) Yes. I enjoy the warm feeling in my bottom afterwards.
40% (318) Yes. I enjoy my parents playing with me.
37% (293) Yes. I enjoy the thrill of my parents coming after me to spank me.
40% (315) Yes. I like looking at how red my bottom is afterwards.
36% (285) Yes. I like my parents admiring my bottom.
35% (280) Yes. I like how everyone else is always interested in seeing how red my bottom is.
37% (296) Yes and I would like to be spanked even more often.
41% (326) Yes. I would offer to let my parents spank my bottom if it would cheer them up.
36% (283) Yes. I even try to get them to spank my bottom more.
35% (276) Yes. I feel like they love me even more after they have spanked me.
22% (173) Yes. I don't like their cold angry none spanking punishments. I know that when my parents spank me that are not angry with me.
35% (281) Yes and I will spank my own kids bottoms the same way.
12% (98) No. I don't want to be spanked. :(

785 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2014-07-05 19:22:42 by Dazo
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