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Girl muscle [Girl Only]

How old are you ?

22% (27) Under 13
12% (15) 13
27% (33) 14-16
18% (22) 16-18
5% (7) 18-21
11% (14) 21+

118 voters have answered this question.

When you're flexing your arm , can you see a bump ?

50% (61) Yes , a huge one !
35% (43) Yes , i have a nice biceps
9% (12) Yes , a little bump , going up and down
0% (1) No , or not enough to make a bump
4% (5) No , nothing

122 voters have answered this question.

How hard is your biceps ?

63% (78) Hard as a rock
28% (35) Hard , i can really feel it
4% (5) Not really hard but not too weak
3% (4) Am i supposed to have anything ?

122 voters have answered this question.

When you're flexing your abs , can you see something ?

50% (59) Yes , a really defined 6 pack
16% (20) Yes , i can see a 6 pack
13% (16) Yes , i have a 4 pack
12% (15) Yes , i can see something , not a 6 pack but i can see something
6% (8) No , there is nothing when i flex

118 voters have answered this question.

How hard are your abs ?

50% (61) A true rock baby !
23% (29) Really hard , i cant go through with my fingers
14% (18) Hmm quite hard
6% (8) Not too hard , but not flabby
4% (6) i dont have abs.

122 voters have answered this question.

When did you saw that you got muscle for the first time ?

68% (79) Young , at less than 13 yo
20% (24) something like 13-15 yo
8% (10) at 15-18 yo
1% (2) later like , 18+ yo

115 voters have answered this question.

What did you do to get muscle ?

17% (21) Ehh nothing
16% (20) I carried some heavy things
32% (40) I did some sport
18% (22) I just did some sit ups and push up
15% (19) Other

122 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2014-08-12 07:26:36 by Name0
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