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Hermione Granger and Fleur Delacour

An old story retold... Everybody has gone to sleep at Hogwarts. Except Fleur and Hermione, who are still in the library.

It doesn't last long before the two get into a conflict, First verbally, then physically...

23% (13) Fleur is much stronger and subdues Hermione immediately
21% (12) Fleur has more stamina and finally gets on top of the younger girl
28% (16) Hermione stays cool and nearly mathematically pins Fleur
26% (15) Catty Hermione grabs her rival and throws her to the ground

56 voters have answered this question.

The catfight has made them both sexually aroused. Now they're looking for another kind of domination...

10% (6) Fleur kisses Hermione softly and slowly starts seducing her
41% (23) Fleur kisses her rival passionately and makes love to the younger girl
3% (2) Hermione kisses Fleur's face till she finds her mouth and after a while gently seduces her
44% (25) Hermione's kisses are deep and possessive and she soon has her rival sensually sprawling and squirming

56 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2014-08-27 19:03:04 by lilith001
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