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Umbraphillic Esoterica

This anonymous survey is being taken to inform "eclipse chaser" demographics with statistical results to be presented in a talk* at the 4th International Solar Eclipse Conference, in Cloudcroft, New Mexico, USA, on Oct 25/26, 2014. Responses are most welcome and appreciated. You do NOT have to be an eclipse chaser to participate in this survey. No personal data is sought and no connection, follow-up emails, etc. will be made to individual respondees. THANKS! * tinyurl.com/SEC2014EE

Do you consider yourself an eclipse chaser?

72% (159) Yes
27% (60) No

219 voters have answered this question.

How many TOTAL solar eclipses have you seen, or have you attempted to see, in your lifetime? _____ Please enter a single, positive, whole number OR zero (0) if none.

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219 voters have answered this question.

[Skip this question if you have not seen a total solar eclipse (TSE)]. How old were you when you saw your first TSE? _____ Please enter a single, positive, whole number (in years) only.

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200 voters have answered this question.

How old are you now? _____ Please enter a single, positive, whole number (in years) only.

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219 voters have answered this question.

[Skip this question if you have not seen a total solar eclipse.] AFTER seeing your first total solar eclipse, which (select one) best describes your first reaction to having witnessed totality?

44% (91) It was a truly life-altering experience. Impossible to describe, and etched its way into the core of my soul. There is no way I could ever even conceive of possibly missing another one. I'm hooked. 100%.
51% (105) That was a pretty spectacular event. I am very glad that I made the effort, and I will probably see others in my lifetime.
3% (7) It was interesting, I might see another sometime, if it is not too far from home and not too much of an effort.
0% (0) I don't understand what all the fuss was about. It was OK, but not a big deal if I had missed it.
0% (0) What a waste of time/effort/money. Next time I'll watch on TV (or not at all).

203 voters have answered this question.

[Answer this question ONLY if you have *SEEN* (not counting any 'cloud-outs') one or more total solar eclipses.] How passionate are you now about traveling to and seeing future total solar eclipses? Answer on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is "not at all (I don't care if I ever see another)" and 10 is "there is no way I will EVER miss another TSE, no matter where it may be or however difficult it may be to get there." Please enter just one number in the range 0 to 10. _____.

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199 voters have answered this question.

My PRIMARY interest(s)/involvement with eclipses is (check all that apply):

60% (132) esthetic/spiritual
62% (136) scientific/technical
39% (86) educational
19% (43) historical
28% (62) cultural
35% (78) social
6% (14) commercial
11% (25) other

219 voters have answered this question.

My work/profession is (was if retired, or would likely be if a student) related to my interest in eclipses.

23% (51) Yes - they are symbiotic
76% (168) No - eclipses/eclipse chasing is an unrelated hobby/escape

219 voters have answered this question.

Do you engage in the solar eclipse IMAGING/DATA ANALYSIS?

6% (14) Yes - Professionally (astronomer, photo-journalist, etc.)
51% (113) Yes - Recreationally (amateur, hobby, etc.)
42% (92) No.

219 voters have answered this question.

Do you engage in the solar eclipse related STUDIES/ACTIVITIES other than imaging/data analysis, (e.g., including historical, cultural, archival research, etc.)?

6% (14) Yes - Professionally
35% (78) Yes - Recreationally
57% (127) No

219 voters have answered this question.

Do you engage in solar eclipse OBSERVATION PLANNING (weather/climate predictions/analysis, circumstance calculations, mapping, logistical analysis, etc.)?

7% (17) Yes - Professionally
47% (104) Yes - Recreationally
44% (98) No

219 voters have answered this question.

Do you engage in ORGANIZING solar eclipse travel groups, tours, expeditions?

6% (15) Yes - Professionally
21% (48) Yes - Recreationally
71% (156) No

219 voters have answered this question.

Do you engage in the solar eclipse related EDUCATION and PUBLIC OUTRECH activities?

10% (24) Yes - Professionally
38% (84) Yes - Recreationally
50% (111) No

219 voters have answered this question.

When I travel to see a TSE, I usually prefer to:

36% (81) Travel alone or with just a few people and/or family on my (or our) own.
51% (113) Travel with, or join, a small to medium size amateur and/or professional astronomical group.
11% (25) Travel with a large tour group arranged by an eclipse-tour operator.

219 voters have answered this question.

I usually prefer to observe total solar eclipses:

96% (211) on the ground
2% (6) from ships
0% (2) from aircraft

219 voters have answered this question.

How many total solar eclipses have you seen, or attempted to see, from ships? _____. Enter a number from 0 (none) to the number you have.

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219 voters have answered this question.

How many total solar eclipses have you seen, or attempted to see, from aircraft? _____. Enter a number from 0 (none) to the number you have.

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219 voters have answered this question.

Please put rank in order the importance to you, in general (not for a specific TSE), the following six factors in closing a location to observe a TSE. 1 is MOST important, 6 is LEAST important. Enter only a single number (1-6) for each. Duration of Totality _____, Weather Prospects _____, Contingency Planning/Logistics _____, Pre/Post Eclipse Sightseeing Opportunities _____, Budget Concerns _____, Geopolitical Concerns _____.

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219 voters have answered this question.

True or false: When considering my travel (in particular international) options for a TSE, I will usually "pass" if the duration of totality is what I consider "too short".

30% (67) True
69% (152) False

219 voters have answered this question.

Is eclipse imaging (photography or videography) usually a key goal or component in your eclipse observing plans? Please select which response best describes you.

34% (75) I am typically heavily engaged in eclipse photography/videography with much pre-planning and "lugging" of specialized gear for that specific purpose.
43% (96) I often take pictures with lighter camera gear, but is not a central focus/need of my eclipse planning.
21% (48) I may snap a few with my iphone (or similar), but that's all.

219 voters have answered this question.

Eclipse nerd? I design and/or build my own equipment (optical and/or electronic) for my eclipse observations.

24% (54) Yes
75% (165) No

219 voters have answered this question.

Eclipse nerd? I do my own eclipse calculations (or do them for other people)

19% (42) Yes
80% (177) No

219 voters have answered this question.

Eclipse Nerd? I maintain an active eclipse-content internet presence (web pages, social media, etc.)

21% (47) Yes
78% (172) No

219 voters have answered this question.

Eclipse nerd? I do my own pre-eclipse weather forecasting using remote sensing data, satellite images, and other available resources.

27% (60) Yes
72% (159) No

219 voters have answered this question.

Eclipse nerd? I *MUST* have one or more pre-thought-out contingency plans in place to escape from clouds or bad weather on eclipse day?

46% (101) Yes
53% (118) No

219 voters have answered this question.

I am definitely planning to observe the following future TSEs (select all that apply).

41% (90) TSE 2015 (Norwegian Sea, Faroe Islands, Svalbard, North Pole)
46% (102) TSE 2016 (Indonesia, Pacific Ocean)
92% (202) TSE 2017 (Unites States)
43% (96) TSE 2019 (South Pacific, Chile, Argentina)
15% (34) TSE 2079 (New York City - Fox's U-Bet Chocolate Syrup Factory)

219 voters have answered this question.

How many ANNULAR solar eclipses have you seen, or have you attempted to see, in your lifetime? Please enter a single non-negative number. Enter 0 if none. _____.

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219 voters have answered this question.

How many PARTIAL solar eclipses have you seen, or have you attempted to see, in your lifetime? Please enter a single non-negative number. Enter 0 if none. _____

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219 voters have answered this question.

For PARTIAL solar eclipses only, how many of those that you have seen or attempted to see (if not 0) have you travelled for? _____

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219 voters have answered this question.

Juggling Activities: I put eclipse chasing and eclipse related activities as priority #1 amongst my discretionary activities.

43% (95) Yes
56% (124) No

219 voters have answered this question.

Budgeting: I put eclipse chasing and eclipse related activities as priority #1 amongst my discretionary spending.

33% (73) Yes
66% (146) No

219 voters have answered this question.

Please check all that apply. I have published (or have had published) results from my eclipse activities:

7% (17) In professional (peer reviewed) journal(s)
30% (67) In magazines
19% (43) In newspapers
15% (35) In books including text books
58% (128) Informally made available through internet web sites, etc.
23% (51) Elsewhere
31% (70) Not at all

219 voters have answered this question.

Long term scheduling: I block out time (at work and elsewhere) years in advance of a solar eclipse against any other conflicts.

69% (153) Yes
30% (66) No

219 voters have answered this question.

Including the 4th International Solar Eclipse Conference (SEC) to be held in October, 2014, how many SECs have you attended or (now) plan to attend? Enter a single number 0 - 4. _____

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219 voters have answered this question.

What part of the planet do you consider home?

54% (120) North America
25% (56) Europe
3% (8) Asia
0% (1) South America
0% (0) Africa
15% (34) Australia / Pacific Region

219 voters have answered this question.

FINAL Question... Agree of Disagree: Eclipse chasing is a major component of my life, as opposed to an occasional recreational activity.

34% (73) Yes.
22% (47) No.
43% (92) Somewhere in between

212 voters have answered this question.

OPTIONAL - free form text. Please feel free here to offer ANY additional comments, insights, etc. regarding your solar eclipse experiences, and why YOU 'chase' eclipses (if you do).

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84 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2014-09-19 21:21:48 by gschneider
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