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Sibling Encounters

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seeing your sibling naked

What sex are you?

34% (123) male 10-15
31% (112) male 16+
21% (76) female 10-15
13% (49) female 16+

360 voters have answered this question.

How old were they when you saw them naked?

35% (126) 9 and under
7% (27) 10
5% (21) 11
10% (36) 12
11% (42) 13
9% (33) 14
5% (19) 15
5% (20) 16
2% (10) 17
5% (19) 18+

353 voters have answered this question.

Have they seen you naked?

95% (341) yes
4% (17) no

358 voters have answered this question.

If yes, what was your response?

10% (35) embarrassment
56% (196) turned on
33% (117) other

348 voters have answered this question.

Where did this occur?

70% (252) bathroom
78% (279) bedroom
34% (121) family room
35% (127) hallway
18% (67) public place
22% (79) other

355 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2001-11-13 04:46:23 by randalthoristhedragon
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