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Men vs Women - Domestic Violence

What is acceptable in the following scenario...

Woman hits a man attempting to cause physical pain but doesn't due to strength
Man hits woman back causing physical pain due to more strength

Viewpoint A
Woman is guilty of assault
Man is guilty of assault
Punishment of both woman and man is carried out based on the amount of physical damage.

Viewpoint B
Woman didn't cause any physical pain so it is not assault.
Man is guilty of assault
Punishment is only for the male.

Viewpoint C
Woman is guilty of assault
Man is guilty of assault
Punishment should be the same

What viewpoint is most acceptable?...

17% (7) Viewpoint A
26% (11) Viewpoint B
56% (23) Viewpoint C

41 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2014-10-03 19:44:55 by rtsam
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