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The Harland Highway

Who are your favorite Harland Highway characters?
BBQ Eddy
Mr. Featherstone
Dr. Ascot
Charles Parsley
Aunt Ruthie
Senior Fuentes
Rosa Louisa
Timmy the Campfire Kid
Cinnamon Boy
Krinky McKringles the Leprechaun
Dead Julia Childs
Dr. Debbie Thymer
George Michael
Samuel E. Quoke
Michael Jackson
Chin Ho from Hawaii 5-0
Charlie Lee
Demitri Olio the Ice Cream Guy
Timmy the Elf
Dr. Ting Lee
Cpt. James T. Kirk
Queen Elizabeth
Lt. Major Tom Dowdy
Angelina Jolie
Dr. Karen Attlewater
This poll was created on 2014-10-13 17:53:47 by Gigno