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Parents and Children Going Barefoot

This is a place to poll parents and children about their relationship with shoes and going barefoot. People say that those who go barefoot more often are less likely to be obese and more likely to be active later in life. Is going barefoot a good choice? You decide. Please answer the questions as honestly as possible.

What is your role in life?

72% (36) Parent
28% (14) Child

50 voters have answered this question.

Who should be barefoot?

56% (28) Mother
74% (37) Girls (your kids)
64% (32) Girls (friends)
60% (30) Girls (relatives)
52% (26) Father
80% (40) Boys (your kids)
62% (31) Boys (friends)
56% (28) Boys (relatives)
48% (24) Visitors

50 voters have answered this question.

Do you have any kids?

48% (24) Boys (your kids)
24% (12) Boys (relatives)
56% (28) Girls (your kids)
22% (11) Girls (relatives)
6% (3) I do not plan on having any children
22% (11) I plan to have children

50 voters have answered this question.

People say that those who go barefoot more often are less likely to be obese and more likely to be active later in life. Is going barefoot a good choice and why?

No graph available for this question

50 voters have answered this question.

Which of the following accessories or items does your child wear on a regular basis?

44% (22) 1) Anklet
22% (11) 2) Toe Ring
22% (11) 3) Multi-colored Socks
6% (3) 4) Mis-matched Socks
38% (19) 6) Toenail Polish
18% (9) I do not have children
24% (12) Other (Please state)

50 voters have answered this question.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how important is it to you that your child's feet maintain a nice appearance and why? If you have children, do they care for their feet?

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50 voters have answered this question.

Most kids are not barefoot that often because they care about the appearance of their feet.

4% (2) Strongly Agree
6% (3) Agree
28% (14) Somewhat Agree
10% (5) Somewhat Disagree
24% (12) Disagree
28% (14) Strongly Disagree

50 voters have answered this question.

Your two children (one boy and one girl), will not answer the door until they have socks on. How will you handle the situation?

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50 voters have answered this question.

Your children invited some friends over. What happens to their shoes and socks after they arrive?

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50 voters have answered this question.

Name three places where you might hide your child's shoes and socks? _____ _____ (Your place) _____ (Any living space)

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36 voters have answered this question.

Why are they ideal places to hide your child's shoes and socks?

46% (23) 1) Hidden and hard to find
2% (1) 2) Behind clear glass (not easily accessible)
52% (26) 3) Locked away
28% (14) 4) I will only need access on a few occasions
24% (12) 5) High up and hard to reach
22% (11) 6) Entry is not allowed (you trust them)
16% (8) 7) They will be caught if accessed
10% (5) 8) Sounds off when accessed
22% (11) 9) If you want them, you have to ask! (needs assistance)
22% (11) 10) Even I forget about it!
26% (13) Other (Please state)

50 voters have answered this question.

Would you hide your child's shoes and socks in the same location? Please explain.

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50 voters have answered this question.

After you decided to hide your child's shoes and socks, how would you take them away? (What if they were awake, sleeping or outside?)

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50 voters have answered this question.

What steps would you take to make sure that your child goes barefoot? (Any creative ideas?)

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50 voters have answered this question.

Which of the following might you try?

60% (30) 1) Encourage them to break a previous record (number of days barefoot)
56% (28) 2) Footwear must be removed in your vehicle
50% (25) 3) Socks must be removed in your vehicle
36% (18) 4) Weekdays: Shoes and socks can only be worn for 4 hrs/day (excluding school)
24% (12) 5) Weekends: Shoes and socks can only be worn for 8 hrs/day
34% (17) 6) No shoes and socks until after breakfast
30% (15) 7) Uncomfortable shoes
8% (4) 8) Thicker or multiple layers of socks
28% (14) 9) Half of their day must be spent barefoot or in flip flops/sandals
36% (18) 10) Keep their toenails painted so they can show it to family and friends
57% (29) 11) Help maintain their feet so they will feel more comfortable

50 voters have answered this question.

Uncomfortable shoes are more likely to encourage a child to go barefoot more often.

50% (25) Probably
18% (9) Yes, and have tried it
14% (7) Unlikely
4% (2) No, and I have tried it
14% (7) Other (Please state)

50 voters have answered this question.

Shoes you can easily slip on/out of are more likely to encourage a child to go barefoot more often.

46% (23) Probably
26% (13) Yes, and I have tried it
16% (8) Unlikely
8% (4) No, and I have tired it
4% (2) Other (Please state)

50 voters have answered this question.

A child spends half a day barefoot and the other half in flip flops/sandals.

18% (9) Strongly Agree
16% (8) Agree
12% (6) Somewhat Agree
12% (6) Somewhat Disagree
12% (6) Disagree
30% (15) Strongly Disagree

50 voters have answered this question.

What is your preference when purchasing open-toed footwear?

28% (14) 1) No preference
24% (12) 2) Sandals (with supports)
12% (6) 3) Expensive flip flops or sandals (without supports)
44% (22) 4) Cheap flip flops or sandals (without supports)
10% (5) 5) Anything except

50 voters have answered this question.

My friends _____ go barefoot and I _____ encourage them. If a field trip required my children to wear shoes, they _____ be allowed to go. As for footwear, they would wear _____ on the field trip

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50 voters have answered this question.

What changes have you noticed or would you expect to notice in your children's feet once they have started going barefoot more often?

52% (26) 1) Arches are higher
74% (37) 2) Feet are harder on the bottoms
62% (31) 3) Feet are dirtier
66% (33) 4) Toes are better spaced-out
60% (30) 5) Fewer blisters on toes or heels
72% (36) 6) More active/playful
88% (44) 7) Not afraid to go barefoot
44% (22) 8) Not afraid to paint their toenails
86% (43) 9) Not afraid to show their feet in public
22% (11) 10) Socks are left everywhere

50 voters have answered this question.

Are you barefoot at the moment?

78% (39) Yes
20% (10) No
2% (1) No, but I am removing my shoes and socks right now

50 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2014-09-21 20:27:41 by parentskidspolls
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