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This is for my psychology project.
Are you male or female?
How old are you?
What is your religious stance?
What is your sexual orientation?
Do you have any siblings? If yes, please state their ages and genders.
Have you consumed alcohol in the past two years? If yes, how frequently?
Have you smoked cigarettes/cigars in the past two years? If yes, how frequently?
Have you smoked/consumed drugs recreationally in the past two years? If yes, which drugs and at what frequency?
Have you been sexually active in the past two years? If yes, how frequently alone, how frequently with a partner?
If you have been sexually active with another person in the past two years, how many sexual partners have you had?
Are you currently taking any medications? If yes, which medications and for what purpose(s)?
In terms of alcohol consumption, who would you most prefer to drink with?
Male friends
Female friends
Male acquaintances
Female acquaintances
Male strangers
Female strangers
Male relatives
Female relatives
Not at all
Please elaborate your choice(s) for the above question about alcohol consumption. If you feel you have nothing more to add, please type "no elaboration."
In terms of cigarette/cigar consumption, who would you most prefer to drink with?
Male friends
Female friends
Male acquaintances
Female acquaintances
Male strangers
Female strangers
Male relatives
Female relatives
Not at all
Please elaborate your choice(s) for the above question about cigarette/cigar consumption. If you feel you have nothing more to add, please type "no elaboration."
In terms of smoking/consuming drugs, who would you prefer to do so with?
Male friends
Female friends
Male acquaintances
Female acquaintances
Male strangers
Female strangers
Male relatives
Female relatives
Not at all
Please elaborate your choice(s) for the above question about drug consumption. If you feel you have nothing more to add, please type "no elaboration."
Who would you become sexually active with?
Male friend
Female friend
Male acquaintance
Female acquaintance
Male stranger
Female stranger
Not at all
Please elaborate your choice(s) for the above question about sexual activity. If you feel you have nothing more to add, please type "no elaboration."
Have you ever considered engaging in sexual activity with the same sex? If yes, please elaborate.
Would the consumption of drugs or alcohol affect your sexual preference? Please explain.
Please explain your current living situation, including anyone you might live with, the type of dwelling, and any other information you wish to include.
Please rate your physical activity level on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the most active.
Please describe your level of education.
Please rate how willing you are to explore drug/alcohol consumption on a scale of 1-10 with 10 meaning you are very willing to explore new drugs/alcohol. Please explain your answer.
Please rate how willing you are to explore your sexuality on a scale of 1-10 with 10 meaning you are very willing to explore new sexual experiences. Please explain your answer.
This poll was created on 2014-10-30 23:32:56 by kakakakaitlin