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would they be male or female

35% (5) male
64% (9) female

14 voters have answered this question.

are they a child,teenager,young adult,adult,or and elder (old person)

14% (2) child
42% (6) teenager
35% (5) young adult
7% (1) adult
0% (0) elder (old person)

14 voters have answered this question.

do they fight with weapons (fist and feet count)

71% (10) yes
14% (2) no
14% (2) sort of

14 voters have answered this question.

if they do fight, what do they use

50% (7) swords
35% (5) knifes
14% (2) axes
7% (1) flail
28% (4) ninja stars
35% (5) guns
64% (9) punch, kick, head butt,etc.
35% (5) magic
21% (3) special animal powers (like turning into a were wolf)
21% (3) special suit (like a mech suit or like iron man's suit)
14% (2) other
14% (2) all of the above
7% (1) none

14 voters have answered this question.

if they use magic what kind

0% (0) ice
28% (2) fire
0% (0) water
14% (1) air
14% (1) earth
14% (1) dark
28% (2) other

7 voters have answered this question.

what are there characteristics

64% (9) heroic
28% (4) evil
21% (3) reckless
21% (3) mentally ill or mentally crazy
21% (3) jerk
28% (4) tough
21% (3) other

14 voters have answered this question.

do they have a pet

21% (3) yes
21% (3) no
14% (2) lots of them
42% (6) a few of them

14 voters have answered this question.

if they do have a pet,what is it

81% (9) dog
9% (1) cat
9% (1) fish
54% (6) horse
36% (4) snake
9% (1) lizard
18% (2) other

11 voters have answered this question.

do they have a job

64% (9) yes
35% (5) no

14 voters have answered this question.

if they do have job what is it

0% (0) taxi driver
0% (0) bus driver
0% (0) police officer
0% (0) fire fighter
0% (0) doctor
0% (0) nurse
0% (0) E.M.T
10% (1) paramedic
0% (0) knight
0% (0) king
0% (0) queen
20% (2) farmer
0% (0) farm hand
0% (0) fisherman
10% (1) lumber jack
0% (0) veterinarian
10% (1) soldier
20% (2) pilot
30% (3) other

10 voters have answered this question.

what is their first name _____

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7 voters have answered this question.

what is their middle name _____

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5 voters have answered this question.

what is their last name _____

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6 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2014-11-09 23:45:11 by NoahJoe6133
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