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Poll for girls about first-thing-in-the-morning girl smell!

Hi, I was reading a lady's website the other day and she said about her teenage daughter that "first thing in the morning teenage girl smell is strong enough to knock out a hippo!" Well I've got a big sister and girl cousins so I definiately agree! Girls always do smell a certain way when they come downstars in the morning with there nighties or pyjamas on, nobody ever talks about how smelling it gets your pants in a twist when you're a boy though! So I was wondering, what makes morning smell and what do girls think about it? If your a girl and you don't mind talking about it please fill in my poll, thanks! Love from Nicky xxx
How much would you say you get first-thing-in-the-morning girl-smell?
I really smell first thing in the morning
I do get first thing in the morning smell but its not that bad, all girls do
Not all girls do, it doesn't happen to me
Have you always had early-morning girl smell or has it got worse now you're a teenager?
Yes, I didn't smell first thing in the morning when I was a little girl but now I do
I smelled in the morning when I was a little girl and I still do!
I've never had early-morning girl smell
Which part of the knickers or shorts or pyjama bottoms you slept in gets the most morning girl smell?
If I sleep in it, it stays smelling sweet!
What do you do to get rid of early morning girl smell?
I take a shower every morning, its the only thing that gets rid of it
I just change out of the knickers I slept in and put clean ones on
You don't have to do anything about it, it goes away by itself as the morning goes on
I don't get early morning smell that badly so I don't bother doing anything to get rid of it
I do get early morning smell but I don't bother doing anything about it because its fun making the boys squirm!
Do you wear knickers in bed to stop your shorts or nightie or pyjama bottoms getting grubby and smelly?
Yes because then I can take my knicks off as soon as I get up, and go downstairs smellin a little bit sweeter!
Yes but I keep my knickers on until I shower or dress
No, because I don't want to be fidgeting and unpicking my knickers all night
No because it doesn't matter if my nightie gets smelly, I'm in bed!
Does it make you self-conscious to smell first thing in the morning?
Yes, I'm ashamed of it and I try to shower before I go downstairs or anyone sees me (or rather smells me!)
I do go downstairs in my nightie or pyjamas but I'm careful not to point my bottom at anyone!
I wouldn't want the boy I've got a crush on to get a sniff of me first thing but there's no reason for a girl to be ashamed of her morning smell when she's at home
I don't care what I smell like first thing in the morning, if other people have got a problem they don't have to sniff me!
Do you ever go out when you've still got early morning smell?
I never do, I always have to shower before I leave the house
I might do if I have to, like I didn't have time to shower, but I don't like having to go to school or shopping while I'm still smelly
I do it all the time!
Do you find you get a lot of attention from the boys if you still have your early morning smell at school or in town?
To be honest I think it puts boys off me
They do flirt more and get there pants in a twist when I still smell!
I'm popular with the boys but not because of the way I smell
Lastly do you know anything about why girls get early-morning-girl-smell or do you have anything else to say about it? If you do you can write it here. Thanks for filling in my poll girls, love from Nicky! xxxx
This poll was created on 2014-11-23 08:56:40 by Knickyshorts