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Airport Security and Kids5

Some parents have informed me that their children were subjected to skin-to-skin pat downs at airports, after they refused security gates or body scans for their youngsters, based on harmful effects of these devices. At other times, pat downs were conducted if the searcher was not satisfied with the result of the previous screening method. Also, it may be have been conducted as an additional measure during a high-security advisory. In skin-to-skin pat down, the searcher does not wear gloves and reaches under the clothes to thoroughly search skin with bare hands including private areas (often exposing them to public view). This poll deals with issues related to skin-to-skin pat downs of kids (for the purpose of this poll, kid means a pre-pubertal boy or girl under the age of 11), in terms of embarrassment, health and safety, personal-space violation, privacy and protection of passenger property.

1. Which part of the world do you belong?

36% (33) USA
4% (4) Canada
10% (10) UK
8% (8) Germany
3% (3) France
4% (4) China
1% (1) Japan
2% (2) North America (Other Countries)
18% (17) Europe (Other Countries)
0% (0) Asia (Other Countries)
1% (1) Africa
4% (4) South America
4% (4) Australia

91 voters have answered this question.

2. Are you a single parent?

55% (49) No
44% (39) Yes

88 voters have answered this question.

3. I am:

34% (30) Female
65% (58) Male

88 voters have answered this question.

4. My age (in years) is:

13% (12) Under 20
16% (15) 20-29
48% (43) 30-39
15% (14) 40-49
5% (5) 50 or over 50

89 voters have answered this question.

5. My education is:

9% (8) Not completed high school
16% (14) High school
11% (10) Two-year college
17% (15) Four-year college (basic)
25% (22) Four-year college (professional)
19% (17) Graduate (maters level)

86 voters have answered this question.

6. My profession is:

No graph available for this question

49 voters have answered this question.

7. How many sons do you have, who are less than 11 years of age?

29% (26) None
38% (34) One
29% (26) Two
2% (2) Three
0% (0) More than three

88 voters have answered this question.

8. What are the ages of your sons (check all those, which apply)?

1% (1) Less than 1 year
1% (1) 1+ (equal to or more than 1 year, but less than 2 years)
3% (2) 2+
4% (3) 3+
3% (2) 4+
9% (6) 5+
12% (8) 6+
18% (12) 7+
16% (11) 8+
20% (13) 9+
56% (37) 10+

65 voters have answered this question.

9. How many daughters do you have, who are less than 11 years of age?

2% (2) Less than 1 year
5% (4) 1+
14% (10) 2+
14% (10) 3+
1% (1) 4+
5% (4) 5+
4% (3) 6+
7% (5) 7+
14% (10) 8+
22% (15) 9+
45% (31) 10+

68 voters have answered this question.

11. Traveling with kids is:

26% (23) Exciting
47% (42) Enjoyable
14% (13) Distressing
11% (10) Nightmare

88 voters have answered this question.

12. Did the current situation in security hype effect travel pattern and frequency for your family?

43% (38) Insisting on Integrated Unclothed Screening (http://www.misterpoll.com/forums/135040/topics/170752) instead of security gates (http://www.misterpoll.com/forums/135040/topics/170754) or body scanning (http://www.misterpoll.com/forums/135040/topics/170753) when traveling by plane
7% (7) Insisting on pat down (see meesages area for risks) instead of security gates (http://www.misterpoll.com/forums/135040/topics/170754) or body scanning (http://www.misterpoll.com/forums/135040/topics/170753) when traveling by plane
13% (12) Dressing kids in briefs/panties (stripped to waist) while going through security gates
19% (17) Dressing kids in cotton T-shirts and gym shorts (to avoid metallic things) while passing through security gates
3% (3) Decrease in travel frequency
2% (2) Avoiding airports and using alternate means of travel
10% (9) Other (please describe)

88 voters have answered this question.

13. For the kids flying frequently (at least once every 6 months), in your opinion, what are the chances of them subjected to Complete Strip Search in the first 10 years of their lives?

22% (22) Less than 25%
10% (10) 25%-49%
19% (19) 50%-74%
12% (12) 75%-99%
34% (33) 100%

96 voters have answered this question.

14. Five years from now, what percentage of airline passengers would consist of kids (less than 11-year old)?

21% (20) Less than 25%
42% (40) 25%-49%
18% (18) 50%-74%
17% (17) 75%-100%

95 voters have answered this question.

15. Five years from now, what would be the predominant mode of screening for kids traveling by air?

58% (56) Complete strip search
13% (13) Integrated unclothed screening
5% (5) Skin-to-skin pat down
4% (4) Use of radiation emitted by body and clothing to detect traces of explosives/drugs on person
4% (4) Ascertaining identity/background of kids and accompanying adults through databases, advanced face recognition techniques
7% (7) Use of X rays and other invasive radiation to look for hidden explosives, advanced full body scan (backscatter X ray) devices
6% (6) Other (please describe)

95 voters have answered this question.

16. If your child was subjected to a skin-to-skin pat down as part of airport security procedure, this procedure was adopted because:

30% (25) The screening procedure failed to resolve the issue. Please name the airport:
27% (22) This was a routine procedure at the given airport. Please name the airport:
19% (16) There was a heightened security at the airport due to advisory from agencies. Please name the airport:
22% (18) The parent or accompanying adult refused the demand of airport authorities to subject the child to security-gate screening or full-body-backscatter scan. Please name the airport:

81 voters have answered this question.

17. If you selected the first choice in previous question, the search procedure was:

26% (17) Full-body (Backscatter-X-ray) scan http://www.misterpoll.com/forums/135040/topics/170753
6% (4) Hand-held scanner
21% (14) Graded unclothed screening http://www.misterpoll.com/forums/135040/topics/170751
12% (8) Security gate http://www.misterpoll.com/forums/135040/topics/170754
33% (22) Integrated unclothed screening http://www.misterpoll.com/forums/135040/topics/170752

65 voters have answered this question.

18. Did skin-to-skin pat down resolve the issue?

20% (19) Yes
79% (73) No, the child was subjected to complete strip search

92 voters have answered this question.

19. Did the child co-operate with the searcher?

59% (55) Yes
11% (11) No, coertion was used
4% (4) No, threat was used
24% (23) No, force was used

93 voters have answered this question.

20. The pat down of your kids was conducted in (select all applicable choices):

20% (20) Boys: A private area (same-sex screener)
11% (11) Boys: A private area (opposite-sex screener)
24% (24) Boys: General passenger area (same-sex screener)
34% (33) Boys: General passenger area (opposite-sex screener)
10% (10) Girls: A private area (same-sex screener)
21% (21) Girls: A private area (opposite-sex screener)
16% (16) Girls: General-passenger area (same-sex screener)
52% (51) Girls: General passenger area (opposite-sex screener)

97 voters have answered this question.

21. If you selected one of the options 2-4, 6-8, in Q. 20, did you complain about the procedure?

21% (19) Yes, verbally
4% (4) Yes, in writing
1% (1) Yes, through the lawyer
72% (63) No

87 voters have answered this question.

22. Search was conducted with:

6% (6) Back of hand
92% (88) Front of hand (palm touching bare skin)
44% (42) At the time of pat down, the child was wearing (please describe):

95 voters have answered this question.

23. During the search (select all applicable choices):

40% (38) The searcher washed hands between searches of 2 children
85% (81) Private area was searched (from front)
74% (71) Private area was searched (from back)
53% (51) After searching private area, the searcher put the same hand on nipples (without washing, thus raising the possibility of infection)
21% (20) The searcher pressed hand on child's body so hard that it hurt
21% (20) Child's clothes were torn or damaged during the search
10% (10) Child's clothes become dirty from sweaty hands of searcher
77% (74) Private areas were exposed to other staff and passengers during the search procedure (dresses were bunched up above the waist, when upper part of the body was searched under clothes)

95 voters have answered this question.

24. How did the child feel after the search?

40% (38) Took it casually
31% (30) Embarrased
17% (17) Humiliated
10% (10) Violated

95 voters have answered this question.

25. Any long term effects?

22% (14) Fear of airports and travel
18% (11) Withdrawn
42% (26) Quiet
16% (10) Disillusioned

61 voters have answered this question.

26. Do you feel that Integrated Unclothed Screening is a better option in place of skin-to skin pat down?

41% (38) Yes
23% (22) No
34% (32) Undecided

92 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2014-12-08 18:54:32 by Sylveef
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